import EventEmitter from 'events'; import net from 'net'; import util from 'util'; import Logger from './logger.js'; const SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND = 0x02; const SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE = 0x00; const SERVERDATA_AUTH = 0x03; const SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE = 0x02; const SERVERDATA_CHAT_VALUE = 0x01; const MID_PACKET_ID = 0x01; const END_PACKET_ID = 0x02; export default class Rcon extends EventEmitter { constructor(options = {}) { super(); // store config for (const option of ['host', 'port', 'password']) if (!(option in options)) throw new Error(`${option} must be specified.`); =; this.port = options.port; this.password = options.password; this.autoReconnectDelay = options.autoReconnectDelay || 5000; // bind methods this.connect = this.connect.bind(this); // we bind this as we call it on the auto reconnect timeout this.onData = this.onData.bind(this); this.onClose = this.onClose.bind(this); this.onError = this.onError.bind(this); // setup socket this.client = new net.Socket(); this.client.on('data', this.onData); this.client.on('close', this.onClose); this.client.on('error', this.onError); // constants this.maximumPacketSize = 4096; // internal variables this.connected = false; this.autoReconnect = false; this.autoReconnectTimeout = null; this.incomingData = Buffer.from([]); this.incomingResponse = []; this.responseCallbackQueue = []; } onData(data) { Logger.verbose('RCON', 4, `Got data: ${this.bufToHexString(data)}`); // the logic in this method simply splits data sent via the data event into packets regardless of how they're // distributed in the event calls const packets = this.decodeData(data); for (const packet of packets) { Logger.verbose('RCON', 4, `Processing packet: ${this.bufToHexString(packet)}`); const decodedPacket = this.decodePacket(packet); Logger.verbose( 'RCON', 3, `Processing decoded packet: ${this.decodedPacketToString(decodedPacket)}` ); switch (decodedPacket.type) { case SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE: case SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE: switch ( { case MID_PACKET_ID: this.incomingResponse.push(decodedPacket); break; case END_PACKET_ID: this.responseCallbackQueue.shift()( => packet.body).join() ); this.incomingResponse = []; break; default: Logger.verbose( 'RCON', 1, `Unknown packet ID ${} in: ${this.decodedPacketToString( decodedPacket )}` ); } break; case SERVERDATA_CHAT_VALUE: this.processChatPacket(decodedPacket); break; default: Logger.verbose( 'RCON', 1, `Unknown packet type ${decodedPacket.type} in: ${this.decodedPacketToString( decodedPacket )}` ); } } } decodeData(data) { this.incomingData = Buffer.concat([this.incomingData, data]); const packets = []; // we check that it's greater than 4 as if it's not then the length header is not fully present which breaks the // rest of the code. We just need to wait for more data. while (this.incomingData.byteLength >= 4) { const size = this.incomingData.readInt32LE(0); const packetSize = size + 4; // The packet following an empty packet will report to be 10 long (14 including the size header bytes), but in // it should report 17 long (21 including the size header bytes). Therefore, if the packet is 10 in size // and there's enough data for it to be a longer packet then we need to probe to check it's this broken packet. const probeSize = 17; const probePacketSize = 21; if (size === 10 && this.incomingData.byteLength >= probeSize) { // copy the section of the incoming data of interest const probeBuf = this.incomingData.slice(0, probePacketSize); // decode it const decodedProbePacket = this.decodePacket(probeBuf); // check whether body matches if (decodedProbePacket.body === '\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00') { // it does so it's the broken packet // remove the broken packet from the incoming data this.incomingData = this.incomingData.slice(probePacketSize); Logger.verbose('RCON', 4, `Ignoring some data: ${this.bufToHexString(probeBuf)}`); continue; } } if (this.incomingData.byteLength < packetSize) { Logger.verbose('RCON', 4, `Waiting for more data...`); break; } const packet = this.incomingData.slice(0, packetSize); packets.push(packet); this.incomingData = this.incomingData.slice(packetSize); } return packets; } decodePacket(packet) { return { size: packet.readInt32LE(0), id: packet.readInt32LE(4), type: packet.readInt32LE(8), body: packet.toString('utf8', 12, packet.byteLength - 2) }; } processChatPacket(decodedPacket) {} onClose(hadError) { this.connected = false; Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Socket closed ${hadError ? 'without' : 'with'} an error.`); if (this.autoReconnect) { Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Sleeping ${this.autoReconnectDelay}ms before reconnecting.`); setTimeout(this.connect, this.autoReconnectDelay); } } onError(err) { Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Socket had error:`, err); this.emit('RCON_ERROR', err); } connect() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Connecting to: ${}:${this.port}`); const onConnect = async () => { this.client.removeListener('error', onError); this.connected = true; Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Connected to: ${}:${this.port}`); try { // connected successfully, now try auth... await this.write(SERVERDATA_AUTH, this.password); // connected and authed successfully this.autoReconnect = true; resolve(); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }; const onError = (err) => { this.client.removeListener('connect', onConnect); Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Failed to connect to: ${}:${this.port}`, err); reject(err); }; this.client.once('connect', onConnect); this.client.once('error', onError); this.client.connect(this.port,; }); } disconnect() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Disconnecting from: ${}:${this.port}`); const onClose = () => { this.client.removeListener('error', onError); Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Disconnected from: ${}:${this.port}`); resolve(); }; const onError = (err) => { this.client.removeListener('close', onClose); Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Failed to disconnect from: ${}:${this.port}`, err); reject(err); }; this.client.once('close', onClose); this.client.once('error', onError); // prevent any auto reconnection happening this.autoReconnect = false; // clear the timeout just in case the socket closed and then we DCed clearTimeout(this.autoReconnectTimeout); this.client.end(); }); } execute(command) { return this.write(SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND, command); } write(type, body) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this.connected) { reject(new Error('Not connected.')); return; } if (!this.client.writable) { reject(new Error('Unable to write to socket.')); return; } const encodedPacket = this.encodePacket( type, type !== SERVERDATA_AUTH ? MID_PACKET_ID : END_PACKET_ID, body ); const encodedEmptyPacket = this.encodePacket(type, END_PACKET_ID, ''); if (this.maximumPacketSize < encodedPacket.length) { reject(new Error('Packet too long.')); return; } const onError = (err) => { Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, 'Error occurred. Wiping response action queue.', err); this.responseCallbackQueue = []; reject(err); }; // the auth packet also sends a normal response, so we add an extra empty action to ignore it if (type === SERVERDATA_AUTH) { Logger.verbose('RCON', 2, `Writing Auth Packet`); Logger.verbose('RCON', 4, `Writing packet with type "${type}" and body "${body}".`); this.responseCallbackQueue.push(() => {}); this.responseCallbackQueue.push((decodedPacket) => { this.client.removeListener('error', onError); if ( === -1) { Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, 'Authentication failed.'); reject(new Error('Authentication failed.')); } else { Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, 'Authentication succeeded.'); resolve(); } }); } else { Logger.verbose('RCON', 2, `Writing packet with type "${type}" and body "${body}".`); this.responseCallbackQueue.push((response) => { this.client.removeListener('error', onError); Logger.verbose( 'RCON', 2, `Returning complete response: ${response.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, '\\n')}` ); resolve(response); }); } this.client.once('error', onError); Logger.verbose('RCON', 4, `Sending packet: ${this.bufToHexString(encodedPacket)}`); this.client.write(encodedPacket); if (type !== SERVERDATA_AUTH) { Logger.verbose( 'RCON', 4, `Sending empty packet: ${this.bufToHexString(encodedEmptyPacket)}` ); this.client.write(encodedEmptyPacket); } }); } encodePacket(type, id, body, encoding = 'utf8') { const size = Buffer.byteLength(body) + 14; const buf = Buffer.alloc(size); buf.writeInt32LE(size - 4, 0); buf.writeInt32LE(id, 4); buf.writeInt32LE(type, 8); buf.write(body, 12, size - 2, encoding); buf.writeInt16LE(0, size - 2); return buf; } bufToHexString(buf) { return buf.toString('hex').match(/../g).join(' '); } decodedPacketToString(decodedPacket) { return util.inspect(decodedPacket, { breakLength: Infinity }); } async warn(steamID, message) { await this.execute(`AdminWarn "${steamID}" ${message}`); } async kick(steamID, reason) { await this.execute(`AdminKick "${steamID}" ${reason}`); } async forceTeamChange(steamID) { await this.execute(`AdminForceTeamChange "${steamID}"`); } }