Logo #### SquadJS - Discord Chat Admin Request Plugin
## About The Discord Chat Admin Request plugin allows players to ping for an admin in discord. It can be configured to limit access to specific chats. ## Installation ```js // Place the following two lines at the top of your index.js file. import Discord from 'discord.js'; import { discordChatAdminRequest } from 'plugins'; // Place the following two lines in your index.js file before using an Discord plugins. const discordClient = new Discord.Client(); await discordClient.login('Discord Login Token'); // insert your Discord bot's login token here. // Place the following lines after all of the above. await discordChatAdminRequest( server, discordClient, 'discordChannelID', { // options - the options included below display the defaults and can be removed for simplicity. adminPrefix: '!admin', // prefix for an admin request. pingGroups: ['729853701308678154'], // Groups to ping on a request, leave empty for no ping. pingDelay: 60 * 1000, // number of ms between pings. other messages will still be logged just without pings. ignoreChats: ['ChatSquad', 'ChatAdmin'], // an array of chats to not display. color: '#f44336' // color of embed } ); ```