import Sequelize from 'sequelize'; import BasePlugin from './base-plugin.js'; const { DataTypes } = Sequelize; export default class DBLog extends BasePlugin { static get description() { return ( 'The mysql-log plugin will log various server statistics and events to a database. This is great ' + 'for server performance monitoring and/or player stat tracking.' + '\n\n' + 'Grafana (NOT YET WORKING WITH V2):\n' + ' * [Grafana]( is a cool way of viewing server statistics stored in the database.\n' + ' * Install Grafana.\n' + ' * Add your database as a datasource named SquadJS.\n' + ' * Import the [SquadJS Dashboard]( to get a preconfigured MySQL only Grafana dashboard.\n' + ' * Install any missing Grafana plugins.' ); } static get defaultEnabled() { return false; } static get optionsSpecification() { return { database: { required: true, connector: 'sequelize', description: 'The Sequelize connector to log server information to.', default: 'mysql' }, overrideServerID: { required: false, description: 'A overridden server ID.', default: null } }; } constructor(server, options, connectors) { super(server, options, connectors); this.models = {}; this.createModel('Server', { id: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, name: { type: DataTypes.STRING } }); this.createModel('Match', { id: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, dlc: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, mapClassname: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, layerClassname: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, map: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, layer: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, startTime: { type: DataTypes.DATE, notNull: true }, endTime: { type: DataTypes.DATE }, winner: { type: DataTypes.STRING } }); this.createModel('TickRate', { id: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, time: { type: DataTypes.DATE, notNull: true }, tickRate: { type: DataTypes.FLOAT, notNull: true } }); this.createModel('PlayerCount', { id: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, time: { type: DataTypes.DATE, notNull: true, defaultValue: DataTypes.NOW }, players: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, notNull: true }, publicQueue: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, notNull: true }, reserveQueue: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, notNull: true } }); this.createModel('SteamUser', { steamID: { type: DataTypes.STRING, primaryKey: true }, lastName: { type: DataTypes.STRING } }); this.createModel('Wound', { id: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, time: { type: DataTypes.DATE, notNull: true }, victimName: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, victimTeamID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, victimSquadID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, attackerName: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, attackerTeamID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, attackerSquadID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, damage: { type: DataTypes.FLOAT }, weapon: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, teamkill: { type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN } }); this.createModel('Death', { id: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, time: { type: DataTypes.DATE, notNull: true }, woundTime: { type: DataTypes.DATE }, victimName: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, victimTeamID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, victimSquadID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, attackerName: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, attackerTeamID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, attackerSquadID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, damage: { type: DataTypes.FLOAT }, weapon: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, teamkill: { type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN } }); this.createModel('Revive', { id: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, time: { type: DataTypes.DATE, notNull: true }, woundTime: { type: DataTypes.DATE }, victimName: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, victimTeamID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, victimSquadID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, attackerName: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, attackerTeamID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, attackerSquadID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, damage: { type: DataTypes.FLOAT }, weapon: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, teamkill: { type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN }, reviverName: { type: DataTypes.STRING }, reviverTeamID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER }, reviverSquadID: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER } }); this.models.Server.hasMany(this.models.TickRate, { foreignKey: { name: 'server', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.Server.hasMany(this.models.PlayerCount, { foreignKey: { name: 'server', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.Server.hasMany(this.models.Match, { foreignKey: { name: 'server', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.Server.hasMany(this.models.Wound, { foreignKey: { name: 'server', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.Server.hasMany(this.models.Death, { foreignKey: { name: 'server', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.Server.hasMany(this.models.Revive, { foreignKey: { name: 'server', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.SteamUser.hasMany(this.models.Wound, { foreignKey: { name: 'attacker' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.SteamUser.hasMany(this.models.Wound, { foreignKey: { name: 'victim' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.SteamUser.hasMany(this.models.Death, { foreignKey: { name: 'attacker' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.SteamUser.hasMany(this.models.Death, { foreignKey: { name: 'victim' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.SteamUser.hasMany(this.models.Revive, { foreignKey: { name: 'attacker' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.SteamUser.hasMany(this.models.Revive, { foreignKey: { name: 'victim' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.SteamUser.hasMany(this.models.Revive, { foreignKey: { name: 'reviver' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.Match.hasMany(this.models.TickRate, { foreignKey: { name: 'match' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.Match.hasMany(this.models.PlayerCount, { foreignKey: { name: 'match' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.Match.hasMany(this.models.Wound, { foreignKey: { name: 'match' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.Match.hasMany(this.models.Death, { foreignKey: { name: 'match' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.Match.hasMany(this.models.Revive, { foreignKey: { name: 'match' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.onTickRate = this.onTickRate.bind(this); this.onUpdatedA2SInformation = this.onUpdatedA2SInformation.bind(this); this.onNewGame = this.onNewGame.bind(this); this.onPlayerWounded = this.onPlayerWounded.bind(this); this.onPlayerDied = this.onPlayerDied.bind(this); this.onPlayerRevived = this.onPlayerRevived.bind(this); } createModel(name, schema) { this.models[name] = this.options.database.define(`DBLog_${name}`, schema, { timestamps: false }); } async prepareToMount() { await this.models.Server.sync(); await this.models.Match.sync(); await this.models.TickRate.sync(); await this.models.PlayerCount.sync(); await this.models.SteamUser.sync(); await this.models.Wound.sync(); await this.models.Death.sync(); await this.models.Revive.sync(); } async mount() { await this.models.Server.upsert({ id: this.options.overrideServerID ||, name: this.server.serverName }); this.match = await this.models.Match.findOne({ where: { server: this.options.overrideServerID ||, endTime: null } }); this.server.on('TICK_RATE', this.onTickRate); this.server.on('UPDATED_A2S_INFORMATION', this.onUpdatedA2SInformation); this.server.on('NEW_GAME', this.onNewGame); this.server.on('PLAYER_WOUNDED', this.onPlayerWounded); this.server.on('PLAYER_DIED', this.onPlayerDied); this.server.on('PLAYER_REVIVED', this.onPlayerRevived); } async unmount() { this.server.removeEventListener('TICK_RATE', this.onTickRate); this.server.removeEventListener('UPDATED_A2S_INFORMATION', this.onTickRate); this.server.removeEventListener('NEW_GAME', this.onNewGame); this.server.removeEventListener('PLAYER_WOUNDED', this.onPlayerWounded); this.server.removeEventListener('PLAYER_DIED', this.onPlayerDied); this.server.removeEventListener('PLAYER_REVIVED', this.onPlayerRevived); } async onTickRate(info) { await this.models.TickRate.create({ server: this.options.overrideServerID ||, match: this.match ? : null, time: info.time, tickRate: info.tickRate }); } async onUpdatedA2SInformation() { await this.models.PlayerCount.create({ server: this.options.overrideServerID ||, match: this.match ? : null, players: this.server.a2sPlayerCount, publicQueue: this.server.publicQueue, reserveQueue: this.server.reserveQueue }); } async onNewGame(info) { await this.models.Match.update( { endTime: info.time, winner: info.winner }, { where: { server: this.options.overrideServerID ||, endTime: null } } ); this.match = await this.models.Match.create({ server: this.options.overrideServerID ||, dlc: info.dlc, mapClassname: info.mapClassname, layerClassname: info.layerClassname, map: info.layer ? : null, layer: info.layer ? info.layer.layer : null, startTime: info.time }); } async onPlayerWounded(info) { if (info.attacker) await this.models.SteamUser.upsert({ steamID: info.attacker.steamID, lastName: }); if (info.victim) await this.models.SteamUser.upsert({ steamID: info.victim.steamID, lastName: }); await this.models.Wound.create({ server: this.options.overrideServerID ||, match: this.match ? : null, time: info.time, victim: info.victim ? info.victim.steamID : null, victimName: info.victim ? : null, victimTeamID: info.victim ? info.victim.teamID : null, victimSquadID: info.victim ? info.victim.squadID : null, attacker: info.attacker ? info.attacker.steamID : null, attackerName: info.attacker ? : null, attackerTeamID: info.attacker ? info.attacker.teamID : null, attackerSquadID: info.attacker ? info.attacker.squadID : null, damage: info.damage, weapon: info.weapon, teamkill: info.teamkill }); } async onPlayerDied(info) { if (info.attacker) await this.models.SteamUser.upsert({ steamID: info.attacker.steamID, lastName: }); if (info.victim) await this.models.SteamUser.upsert({ steamID: info.victim.steamID, lastName: }); await this.models.Death.create({ server: this.options.overrideServerID ||, match: this.match ? : null, time: info.time, woundTime: info.woundTime, victim: info.victim ? info.victim.steamID : null, victimName: info.victim ? : null, victimTeamID: info.victim ? info.victim.teamID : null, victimSquadID: info.victim ? info.victim.squadID : null, attacker: info.attacker ? info.attacker.steamID : null, attackerName: info.attacker ? : null, attackerTeamID: info.attacker ? info.attacker.teamID : null, attackerSquadID: info.attacker ? info.attacker.squadID : null, damage: info.damage, weapon: info.weapon, teamkill: info.teamkill }); } async onPlayerRevived(info) { if (info.attacker) await this.models.SteamUser.upsert({ steamID: info.attacker.steamID, lastName: }); if (info.victim) await this.models.SteamUser.upsert({ steamID: info.victim.steamID, lastName: }); if (info.reviver) await this.models.SteamUser.upsert({ steamID: info.reviver.steamID, lastName: }); await this.models.Revive.create({ server: this.options.overrideServerID ||, match: this.match ? : null, time: info.time, woundTime: info.woundTime, victim: info.victim ? info.victim.steamID : null, victimName: info.victim ? : null, victimTeamID: info.victim ? info.victim.teamID : null, victimSquadID: info.victim ? info.victim.squadID : null, attacker: info.attacker ? info.attacker.steamID : null, attackerName: info.attacker ? : null, attackerTeamID: info.attacker ? info.attacker.teamID : null, attackerSquadID: info.attacker ? info.attacker.squadID : null, damage: info.damage, weapon: info.weapon, teamkill: info.teamkill, reviver: info.reviver ? info.reviver.steamID : null, reviverName: info.reviver ? : null, reviverTeamID: info.reviver ? info.reviver.teamID : null, reviverSquadID: info.reviver ? info.reviver.squadID : null }); } }