import EventEmitter from 'events'; import Gamedig from 'gamedig'; import printLogo from 'core/utils/print-logo'; import LogParser from './log-parser/index.js'; import Rcon from './rcon/index.js'; import { SERVER_LAYER_CHANGE, SERVER_PLAYERS_UPDATED, SERVER_LAYERS_UPDATED, SERVER_A2S_UPDATED } from './events/server.js'; import { LOG_PARSER_NEW_GAME } from './events/log-parser.js'; export default class Server extends EventEmitter { constructor(options = {}) { super(); // store options if (!('id' in options)) throw new Error('Server must have an ID.'); =; if (!('host' in options)) throw new Error('Server must have a host.'); =; if (!('queryPort' in options)) throw new Error('Server must have a queryPort.'); this.queryPort = options.queryPort; this.updateInterval = options.updateInterval || 30 * 1000; // setup additional classes this.rcon = new Rcon(options, this); this.logParser = new LogParser(options, this); // setup internal data storage this.layerHistory = options.layerHistory || []; this.layerHistoryMaxLength = options.layerHistoryMaxLength || 20; this.players = []; // store additional information about players by SteamID this.suffixStore = {}; // setup internal listeners this.on(LOG_PARSER_NEW_GAME, this.onLayerChange.bind(this)); // setup period updaters this.updatePlayers = this.updatePlayers.bind(this); this.updatePlayerTimeout = setTimeout( this.updatePlayers, this.updateInterval ); setTimeout(async () => { const data = await this.rcon.getMapInfo(); this.currentLayer = data.currentLayer; this.nextLayer = data.nextLayer; this.emit(SERVER_LAYERS_UPDATED, data); }, this.updateInterval); setTimeout(async () => { const data = await Gamedig.query({ type: 'squad', host:, port: this.queryPort }); this.serverName =; this.maxPlayers = parseInt(data.maxplayers); this.publicSlots = parseInt(data.raw.rules.NUMPUBCONN); this.reserveSlots = parseInt(data.raw.rules.NUMPRIVCONN); this.a2sPlayerCount = Math.min(data.players.length, this.maxPlayers); this.publicQueue = parseInt(data.raw.rules.PublicQueue_i); this.reserveQueue = parseInt(data.raw.rules.ReservedQueue_i); this.matchTimeout = parseFloat(data.raw.rules.MatchTimeout_f); this.gameVersion = data.raw.version; this.emit(SERVER_A2S_UPDATED, { serverName: this.serverName, maxPlayers: this.maxPlayers, publicSlots: this.publicSlots, reserveSlots: this.reserveSlots, publicQueue: this.publicQueue, reserveQueue: this.reserveQueue, matchTimeout: this.matchTimeout, gameVersion: this.gameVersion }); }, this.updateInterval); } async watch() { printLogo(); console.log(`Watching server ${}...`); if (this.logParser) await; if (this.rcon) await; } async unwatch() { if (this.logParser) await this.logParser.unwatch(); if (this.rcon) await this.rcon.unwatch(); console.log('Stopped watching.'); } async updatePlayers() { clearTimeout(this.updatePlayerTimeout); this.players = await this.rcon.listPlayers(); // readd additional information about the player we have collected for (let i = 0; i < this.players.length; i++) { this.players[i].suffix = this.suffixStore[this.players[i].steamID]; } // delay another update this.updatePlayerTimeout = setTimeout( this.updatePlayers, this.updateInterval ); this.emit(SERVER_PLAYERS_UPDATED, this.players); } async getPlayerByName(name, suffix = false) { let matchingPlayers; matchingPlayers = []; for (const player of this.players) { if (player[suffix ? 'suffix' : 'name'] !== name) continue; matchingPlayers.push(player); } if (matchingPlayers.length === 0) { await this.updatePlayers(); matchingPlayers = []; for (const player of this.players) { if (player[suffix ? 'suffix' : 'name'] !== name) continue; matchingPlayers.push(player); } } if (matchingPlayers.length === 1) return matchingPlayers[0]; else return null; } async getPlayerBySteamID(steamID) { let matchingPlayers; matchingPlayers = []; for (const player of this.players) { if (player.steamID !== steamID) continue; matchingPlayers.push(player); } if (matchingPlayers.length === 0) { await this.updatePlayers(); matchingPlayers = []; for (const player of this.players) { if (player.steamID !== steamID) continue; matchingPlayers.push(player); } } return matchingPlayers[0]; } onLayerChange(info) { this.layerHistory.unshift(info); this.layerHistory = this.layerHistory.slice(0, this.layerHistoryMaxLength); this.emit(SERVER_LAYER_CHANGE, info); } }