export default { regex: /^\[([0-9.:-]+)]\[([ 0-9]*)]LogOnline: STEAM: AUTH HANDLER: Sending auth result to user (\d{17}) with flag success\? 1/, onMatch: (args, logParser) => { if (!logParser.eventStore[ 'last-connection' ]) return; const data = { ...logParser.eventStore[ 'last-connection' ], steamID: args[ 3 ] }; /* This is Called when unreal engine adds a client connection First Step in Adding a Player to server */ logParser.eventStore.clients[ data.connection ] = data.steamID; logParser.eventStore.connectionIdToSteamID.set(data.connection, data.steamID) logParser.emit('CLIENT_CONNECTED', data); delete logParser.eventStore[ 'last-connection' ]; } };