import path from 'path'; import FTPTail from 'ftp-tail'; export default class TailLogReader { constructor(queueLine, options = {}) { for (const option of ['host', 'user', 'password', 'logDir']) if (!(option in options)) throw new Error(`${option} must be specified.`); this.reader = new FTPTail({ host:, port: options.port || 21, user: options.user, password: options.password, secure: || false, timeout: options.timeout || 2000, encoding: 'utf8', verbose: options.verbose, path: path.join(options.logDir, 'SquadGame.log'), fetchInterval: options.fetchInterval || 0, maxTempFileSize: options.maxTempFileSize || 5 * 1000 * 1000, // 5 MB useListForSize: options.useListForSize }); if (typeof queueLine !== 'function') throw new Error('queueLine argument must be specified and be a function.'); this.reader.on('line', queueLine); } async watch() { await; } async unwatch() { await this.reader.unwatch(); } }