import { COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE } from 'core/constants'; import { NEW_GAME, CHAT_MESSAGE } from 'squad-server/events'; import MapVote from './mapvote.js'; export default { name: 'mapvote-did-you-mean', description: 'The mapvote-did-you-mean plugin provides map voting functionality. This variant of map voting uses a "Did you ' + 'mean?" algorithm to allow players to easily select one of a large pool of layers by typing it\'s name into ' + 'the in-game chat.' + '\n\n' + 'Player Commands:\n' + ' * !mapvote help - Show other commands players can use.\n' + ' * !mapvote results - Show the results of the current map vote.\n' + ' * !mapvote - Vote for the specified layer. Misspelling will be corrected where possible.\n' + '\n\n' + 'Admin Commands (Admin Chat Only):\n' + ' * !mapvote start - Start a new map vote\n' + ' * !mapvote restart - Restarts the map vote.\n' + ' * !mapvote end - End the map vote and announce the winner.\n' + ' * !mapvote destroy - End the map vote without announcing the winner.\n', defaultEnabled: false, optionsSpec: { layerFilter: { required: false, description: 'The layers players can choose from.', default: 'layerFilter' }, alwaysOn: { required: false, description: 'If true then the map voting system will always be live.', default: true }, minPlayerCount: { required: false, description: 'The minimum number of players required for the vote to succeed.', default: null, example: 10 }, minVoteCount: { required: false, description: 'The minimum number of votes required for the vote to succeed.', default: null, example: 5 } }, init: async (server, options) => { let mapvote; let manuallyCreated; async function newMapvote(manuallyCreatedOption = true) { mapvote = new MapVote(server, options.layerFilter, { minVoteCount: options.minVoteCount }); manuallyCreated = manuallyCreatedOption; mapvote.on('NEW_WINNER', async (results) => { await server.rcon.broadcast( `New Map Vote Winner: ${results[0].layer.layer}. Participate in the map vote by typing "!mapvote help" in chat.` ); }); if (manuallyCreated) await server.rcon.broadcast( `A new map vote has started. Participate in the map vote by typing "!mapvote help" in chat.` ); } if (options.alwaysOn) newMapvote(false); server.on(NEW_GAME, () => { if (options.alwaysOn) { newMapvote(false); } else { mapvote = null; } }); server.on(CHAT_MESSAGE, async (info) => { const match = info.message.match(/^!mapvote ?(.*)/); if (!match) return; if (match[1] === 'help') { await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, 'You may use any of the following commands in chat:'); await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, '!mapvote results - View the current vote counts.'); await server.rcon.warn( info.steamID, '!mapvote - Vote for the specified layer.' ); await server.rcon.warn( info.steamID, 'When inputting a layer name, we autocorrect any miss spelling.' ); if (options.minVoteCount !== null) await server.rcon.warn( info.steamID, `${options.minVoteCount} votes need to be made for a winner to be selected.` ); return; } if (match[1] === 'start') { if ( !== 'ChatAdmin') return; if (mapvote) { await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, 'A mapvote has already begun.'); } else { await newMapvote(); } return; } if (!mapvote) { await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, 'A map vote has not begun.'); return; } if (match[1] === 'restart') { if ( !== 'ChatAdmin') return; await newMapvote(); return; } if (match[1] === 'end') { if ( !== 'ChatAdmin') return; const results = mapvote.getResults(true); if (results.length === 0) await server.rcon.broadcast(`No layer gained enough votes to win.`); else await server.rcon.broadcast(`${mapvote.getResults()[0].layer.layer} won the mapvote!`); mapvote = null; return; } if (match[1] === 'destroy') { if ( !== 'ChatAdmin') return; mapvote = null; return; } if (match[1] === 'results') { const results = mapvote.getResults(); if (results.length === 0) { await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, 'No one has voted yet.'); } else { await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, 'The current vote counts are as follows:'); for (const result of results) { await server.rcon.warn( info.steamID, `${result.layer.layer} - ${result.votes} vote${result.votes > 1 ? 's' : ''}` ); } return; } } if (!manuallyCreated && server.players.length < options.minPlayerCount) { await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, 'Not enough players online to vote.'); return; } try { const layerName = await mapvote.makeVoteByDidYouMean(info.steamID, match[1]); await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, `You voted for ${layerName}.`); } catch (err) { await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, err.message); } await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, `Powered by: ${COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE}`); }); } };