import GraphQLRequest from 'graphql-request'; import DiscordBasePlugin from './discord-base-plugin.js'; const { request, gql } = GraphQLRequest; export default class SCBLInfo extends DiscordBasePlugin { static get description() { return ( 'The SCBLInfo plugin alerts admins when a harmful player is detected joining their server based ' + 'on data from the Squad Community Ban List.' ); } static get defaultEnabled() { return true; } static get optionsSpecification() { return { ...DiscordBasePlugin.optionsSpecification, channelID: { required: true, description: 'The ID of the channel to alert admins through.', default: '', example: '667741905228136459' }, threshold: { required: false, description: 'Admins will be alerted when a player has this or more reputation points. For more information on ' + 'reputation points, see the ' + 'Squad Community Ban List\'s FAQ', default: 6 } }; } constructor(server, options, connectors) { super(server, options, connectors); this.onPlayerConnected = this.onPlayerConnected.bind(this); } async mount() { this.server.on('PLAYER_CONNECTED', this.onPlayerConnected); } async unmount() { this.server.removeEventListener('PLAYER_CONNECTED', this.onPlayerConnected); } async onPlayerConnected(info) { try { const data = await request( '', gql` query Search($id: String!) { steamUser(id: $id) { id name avatarFull reputationPoints riskRating reputationRank lastRefreshedInfo lastRefreshedReputationPoints lastRefreshedReputationRank activeBans: bans(orderBy: "created", orderDirection: DESC, expired: false) { edges { cursor node { id } } } expiredBans: bans(orderBy: "created", orderDirection: DESC, expired: true) { edges { cursor node { id } } } } } `, { id: info.player.steamID } ); if (!data.steamUser) { this.verbose( 2, `Player ${} (Steam ID: ${info.steamID}) is not listed in the Squad Community Ban List.` ); return; } if (data.steamUser.reputationPoints < this.options.threshold) { this.verbose( 2, `Player ${} (Steam ID: ${info.steamID}) has a reputation below the threshold.` ); return; } await this.sendDiscordMessage({ embed: { title: `${} is a potentially harmful player!`, author: { name: 'Squad Community Ban List', url: '', icon_url: '' }, thumbnail: { url: data.steamUser.avatarFull }, description: `[${}](${info.player.steamID}) has ${data.steamUser.reputationPoints} reputation points on the Squad Community Ban List and is therefore a potentially harmful player.`, fields: [ { name: 'Reputation Points', value: `${data.steamUser.reputationPoints} (${ data.steamUser.reputationPointsMonthChange || 0 } from this month)`, inline: true }, { name: 'Risk Rating', value: `${data.steamUser.riskRating} / 10`, inline: true }, { name: 'Reputation Rank', value: `#${data.steamUser.reputationRank}`, inline: true }, { name: 'Active Bans', value: `${data.steamUser.activeBans.edges.length}`, inline: true }, { name: 'Expired Bans', value: `${data.steamUser.expiredBans.edges.length}`, inline: true } ], color: '#ffc40b', timestamp: info.time.toISOString(), footer: { text: 'Powered by SquadJS and the Squad Community Ban List' } } }); } catch (err) { this.verbose( 1, `Failed to fetch Squad Community Ban List data for player ${} (Steam ID: ${info.steamID}): `, err ); } } }