import axios from 'axios'; import { SQUADJS_VERSION, COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE } from './constants.js'; function versionOutOfDate(current, latest) { const cMatch = current.match(/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(?:-beta([0-9]*))?/); const lMatch = latest.match(/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(?:-beta([0-9]*))?/); cMatch.shift(); lMatch.shift(); const [cMajor, cMinor, cPatch, cBetaVersion] = cMatch; const [lMajor, lMinor, lPatch, lBetaVersion] = lMatch; return ( cMajor < lMajor || (cMajor === lMajor && cMinor < lMinor) || (cMajor === lMajor && cMinor === lMinor && cPatch < lPatch) || (cBetaVersion && lBetaVersion && cMajor === lMajor && cMinor === lMinor && cPatch === lPatch && cBetaVersion < lBetaVersion) ); } export default async function () { const { data: masterData } = await axios.get( `` ); const { data: betaData } = await axios.get( `` ); const branch = SQUADJS_VERSION.includes('beta') ? 'beta' : 'master'; const outdated = (branch === 'master' && versionOutOfDate(SQUADJS_VERSION, masterData.version)) || (branch === 'beta' && (versionOutOfDate(SQUADJS_VERSION, masterData.version) || versionOutOfDate(SQUADJS_VERSION, betaData.version))); console.log( ` _____ ____ _ _ _____ \x1b[33m_\x1b[0m / ____|/ __ \\| | | | /\\ | __ \\ \x1b[33m(_)\x1b[0m | (___ | | | | | | | / \\ | | | | \x1b[33m_ ___\x1b[0m \\___ \\| | | | | | |/ /\\ \\ | | | |\x1b[33m| / __|\x1b[0m ____) | |__| | |__| / ____ \\| |__| |\x1b[33m| \\__ \\\x1b[0m |_____/ \\___\\_\\\\____/_/ \\_\\_____\x1b[33m(_) |___/\x1b[0m \x1b[33m_/ |\x1b[0m \x1b[33m|__/\x1b[0m ${COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE} GitHub: Latest Version: ${outdated ? '\x1b[31m' : '\x1b[32m'}${ branch === 'master' ? masterData.version : betaData.version }\x1b[0m, Installed Version: \x1b[32m${SQUADJS_VERSION}\x1b[0m ${ outdated ? '\x1b[31mYour SquadJS version is outdated, please consider updating.' : '\x1b[32mYour SquadJS version is up to date.' }\x1b[0m \x1b[33mLooking for ways to help protect your server from harmful players? Checkout the Squad Community Ban List:\x1b[0m ` ); }