import EventEmitter from 'events'; import axios from 'axios'; import Logger from 'core/logger'; import { SQUADJS_API_DOMAIN } from 'core/constants'; import { Layers } from './layers/index.js'; import LogParser from './log-parser/index.js'; import Rcon from './rcon.js'; import { SQUADJS_VERSION } from './utils/constants.js'; import fetchAdminLists from './utils/admin-lists.js'; export default class SquadServer extends EventEmitter { constructor(options = {}) { super(); for (const option of ['host']) if (!(option in options)) throw new Error(`${option} must be specified.`); =; this.options = options; this.layerHistory = []; this.layerHistoryMaxLength = options.layerHistoryMaxLength || 20; this.players = []; this.playerinfo = new Map(); this.squads = []; this.admins = {}; this.adminsInAdminCam = {}; this.plugins = []; this.setupRCON(); this.setupLogParser(); this.updatePlayerList = this.updatePlayerList.bind(this); this.updatePlayerListInterval = 30 * 1000; this.updatePlayerListTimeout = null; this.updateSquadList = this.updateSquadList.bind(this); this.updateSquadListInterval = 30 * 1000; this.updateSquadListTimeout = null; this.updateLayerInformation = this.updateLayerInformation.bind(this); this.updateLayerInformationInterval = 30 * 1000; this.updateLayerInformationTimeout = null; this.updateA2SInformation = this.updateA2SInformation.bind(this); this.updateA2SInformationInterval = 30 * 1000; this.updateA2SInformationTimeout = null; this.pingSquadJSAPI = this.pingSquadJSAPI.bind(this); this.pingSquadJSAPIInterval = 5 * 60 * 1000; this.pingSquadJSAPITimeout = null; } async watch() { Logger.verbose( 'SquadServer', 1, `Beginning to watch ${}:${this.options.queryPort}...` ); await Layers.pull(); this.admins = await fetchAdminLists(this.options.adminLists); await this.rcon.connect(); await this.updateLayerList(); await; await this.updateSquadList(); await this.updatePlayerList(this); await this.updateLayerInformation(); await this.updateA2SInformation(); await; Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, `Watching ${this.serverName}...`); await this.pingSquadJSAPI(); } async unwatch() { await this.rcon.disconnect(); await this.logParser.unwatch(); } setupRCON() { this.rcon = new Rcon({ host: this.options.rconHost ||, port: this.options.rconPort, password: this.options.rconPassword, autoReconnectInterval: this.options.rconAutoReconnectInterval, dumpRconResponsesToFile: this.options.dumpRconResponsesToFile, passThroughPort: this.options.rconPassThroughPort, passThrough: this.options.rconPassThrough }); this.rcon.on('CHAT_MESSAGE', async (data) => { data.player = await this.getPlayerBySteamID(data.steamID); this.emit('CHAT_MESSAGE', data); const command = data.message.match(/!([^ ]+) ?(.*)/); if (command) this.emit(`CHAT_COMMAND:${command[1].toLowerCase()}`, {, message: command[2].trim() }); }); this.rcon.on('POSSESSED_ADMIN_CAMERA', async (data) => { data.player = await this.getPlayerBySteamID(data.steamID); this.adminsInAdminCam[data.steamID] = data.time; this.emit('POSSESSED_ADMIN_CAMERA', data); }); this.rcon.on('UNPOSSESSED_ADMIN_CAMERA', async (data) => { data.player = await this.getPlayerBySteamID(data.steamID); if (this.adminsInAdminCam[data.steamID]) { data.duration = data.time.getTime() - this.adminsInAdminCam[data.steamID].getTime(); } else { data.duration = 0; } delete this.adminsInAdminCam[data.steamID]; this.emit('UNPOSSESSED_ADMIN_CAMERA', data); }); this.rcon.on('RCON_ERROR', (data) => { this.emit('RCON_ERROR', data); }); this.rcon.on('PLAYER_WARNED', async (data) => { data.player = await this.getPlayerByName(; this.emit('PLAYER_WARNED', data); }); this.rcon.on('PLAYER_KICKED', async (data) => { data.player = await this.getPlayerBySteamID(data.steamID); this.emit('PLAYER_KICKED', data); }); this.rcon.on('PLAYER_BANNED', async (data) => { data.player = await this.getPlayerBySteamID(data.steamID); this.emit('PLAYER_BANNED', data); }); this.rcon.on('SQUAD_CREATED', async (data) => { data.player = await this.getPlayerBySteamID(data.playerSteamID, true); data.player.squadID = data.squadID; delete data.playerName; delete data.playerSteamID; this.emit('SQUAD_CREATED', data); }); } async restartRCON() { try { await this.rcon.disconnect(); } catch (err) { Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, 'Failed to stop RCON instance when restarting.', err); } Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, 'Setting up new RCON instance...'); this.setupRCON(); await this.rcon.connect(); } setupLogParser() { this.logParser = new LogParser( Object.assign(this.options.ftp, { mode: this.options.logReaderMode, logDir: this.options.logDir, host: || }) ); this.logParser.on('ADMIN_BROADCAST', (data) => { this.emit('ADMIN_BROADCAST', data); }); this.logParser.on('DEPLOYABLE_DAMAGED', async (data) => { data.player = await this.getPlayerByNameSuffix(data.playerSuffix); delete data.playerSuffix; this.emit('DEPLOYABLE_DAMAGED', data); }); this.logParser.on('NEW_GAME', async (data) => { data.layer = await Layers.getLayerByClassname(data.layerClassname); this.layerHistory.unshift({ layer: data.layer, time: data.time }); this.layerHistory = this.layerHistory.slice(0, this.layerHistoryMaxLength); this.currentLayer = data.layer; Logger.verbose('layerupdate', 1, `Log parser setting layer to ${this.currentLayer?.layerid}`); await this.updateAdmins(); this.emit('NEW_GAME', data); }); this.logParser.on('ROUND_ENDED', async (data) => { const datalayer = data.winner ? await Layers.getLayerById(data.winner.layer) : null; const outdata = { rawData: data, rawLayer: data.winner ? data.winner.layer : null, rawLevel: data.winner ? data.winner.level : null, time: data.time, winnerId: data.winner ? : null, winnerFaction: data.winner ? data.winner.faction : null, winnerTickets: data.winner ? : null, loserId: data.loser ? : null, loserFaction: data.loser ? data.loser.faction : null, loserTickets: data.loser ? : null, layer: datalayer }; this.emit('ROUND_ENDED', outdata); }); this.logParser.on('PLAYER_CONNECTED', async (data) => { Logger.verbose( 'SquadServer', 1, `Player connected ${data.playerSuffix} - SteamID: ${data.steamID} - EOSID: ${data.eosID}` ); this.rcon.addIds(data.steamID, data.eosID); data.player = await this.getPlayerByEOSID(data.eosID); if (data.player) data.player.suffix = data.playerSuffix; else { Logger.verbose('updatePlayerList', 1, `ERROR: failed to get player by RCON for ${data.steamID},${data.playerSuffix}`); data.player = { steamID: data.steamID, name: data.playerSuffix, suffix: data.playerSuffix, eosID: data.eosID } } delete data.steamID; delete data.playerSuffix; this.emit('PLAYER_CONNECTED', data); }); this.logParser.on('PLAYER_DISCONNECTED', async (data) => { Logger.verbose('PlayerBugFix', 1, `player ${data.playerEOSID} disconnect with playerinfo: ${JSON.stringify(Array.from(this.playerinfo.entries()))}`); data.player = await this.getPlayerByEOSID(data.playerEOSID); if(!data.player){ Logger.verbose('PlayerBugFix', 1, `Bug detected, using playerinfo data for ${data.steamID}`); data.player = this.playerinfo.get(data.playerEOSID); } if (!data.player){ Logger.verbose('PlayerBugFix', 1, `Bug detected, FAILED, falling back for ${data.steamID}`); data.player = { steamID: this.rcon.eosIndex[data.playerEOSID], eosID: data.playerEOSID }; } this.playerinfo.delete(data.playerEOSID); this.emit('PLAYER_DISCONNECTED', data); }); this.logParser.on('PLAYER_DAMAGED', async (data) => { data.victim = await this.getPlayerByName(data.victimName); data.attacker = await this.getPlayerByEOSID(data.attackerEOSID); if (!data.attacker.playercontroller) data.attacker.playercontroller = data.attackerController; if (data.victim && data.attacker) { if (!data.victim.playercontroller) data.victim.playercontroller = data.attackerController; data.teamkill = data.victim.teamID === data.attacker.teamID && data.victim.steamID !== data.attacker.steamID; } delete data.victimName; delete data.attackerName; this.emit('PLAYER_DAMAGED', data); }); this.logParser.on('PLAYER_WOUNDED', async (data) => { data.victim = await this.getPlayerByName(data.victimName); data.attacker = await this.getPlayerByEOSID(data.attackerEOSID); if (!data.attacker) data.attacker = await this.getPlayerByController(data.attackerPlayerController); if (data.victim && data.attacker) data.teamkill = data.victim.teamID === data.attacker.teamID && data.victim.steamID !== data.attacker.steamID; this.emit('PLAYER_WOUNDED', data); if (data.teamkill) this.emit('TEAMKILL', data); }); this.logParser.on('PLAYER_DIED', async (data) => { data.victim = await this.getPlayerByName(data.victimName); data.attacker = await this.getPlayerByEOSID(data.attackerEOSID); if (!data.attacker) data.attacker = await this.getPlayerByController(data.attackerPlayerController); if (data.victim && data.attacker) data.teamkill = data.victim.teamID === data.attacker.teamID && data.victim.steamID !== data.attacker.steamID; // console.log(data); this.emit('PLAYER_DIED', data); }); this.logParser.on('PLAYER_REVIVED', async (data) => { data.victim = await this.getPlayerByEOSID(data.victimEOSID); data.attacker = await this.getPlayerByEOSID(data.attackerEOSID); data.reviver = await this.getPlayerByEOSID(data.reviverEOSID); delete data.victimName; delete data.attackerName; delete data.reviverName; this.emit('PLAYER_REVIVED', data); }); this.logParser.on('PLAYER_POSSESS', async (data) => { data.player = await this.getPlayerByEOSID(data.playerEOSID); if (data.player) data.player.possessClassname = data.possessClassname; if (data.player) data.player.characterClassname = data.characterClassname; delete data.playerSuffix; this.emit('PLAYER_POSSESS', data); }); this.logParser.on('PLAYER_UNPOSSESS', async (data) => { data.player = await this.getPlayerByEOSID(data.playerEOSID); delete data.playerSuffix; this.emit('PLAYER_UNPOSSESS', data); }); this.logParser.on('SERVER-MOVE-WARN', async (data) => { const tsd = data.tse - data.cts; Logger.verbose('ServerMoveWarn', 1, 'tsd value: ' + tsd); const outdata = { raw: data.raw, time: data.time, rawID: data.characterName, cheatType: 'Remote Actions', player: await this.getPlayerByClassname(data.characterName), probcheat: data.cts < 2 ? 'unlikely' : null, probcolor: data.cts < 2 ? 0xffff00 : null }; if ((tsd < 235 && tsd > 0) || tsd < -100) this.emit('PLAYER-CHEAT', outdata); }); this.logParser.on('EXPLODE-ATTACK', async (data) => { const outdata = { raw: data.raw, time: data.time, rawID: data.playercont, cheatType: 'Explosion attack', player: await this.getPlayerByController(data.playercont) }; this.emit('PLAYER-CHEAT', outdata); }); this.logParser.on('TICK_RATE', (data) => { this.emit('TICK_RATE', data); }); this.logParser.on('CLIENT_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_INFO', (data) => { this.rcon.addIds(data.steamID, data.eosID); }); // this.logParser.on('CLIENT_CONNECTED', (data) => { // Logger.verbose("SquadServer", 1, `Client connected. Connection: ${data.connection} - SteamID: ${data.steamID}`) // }) // this.logParser.on('CLIENT_LOGIN_REQUEST', (data) => { // Logger.verbose("SquadServer", 1, `Login request. ChainID: ${data.chainID} - Suffix: ${data.suffix} - EOSID: ${data.eosID}`) // }) // this.logParser.on('RESOLVED_EOS_ID', (data) => { // Logger.verbose("SquadServer", 1, `Resolved EOSID. ChainID: ${data.chainID} - Suffix: ${data.suffix} - EOSID: ${data.eosID}`) // }) // this.logParser.on('ADDING_CLIENT_CONNECTION', (data) => { // Logger.verbose("SquadServer", 1, `Adding client connection`, data) // }) } async restartLogParser() { try { await this.logParser.unwatch(); } catch (err) { Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, 'Failed to stop LogParser instance when restarting.', err); } Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, 'Setting up new LogParser instance...'); this.setupLogParser(); await; } getAdminPermsBySteamID(steamID) { return this.admins[steamID]; } getAdminsWithPermission(perm) { const ret = []; for (const [steamID, perms] of Object.entries(this.admins)) { if (perm in perms) ret.push(steamID); } return ret; } async updateAdmins() { this.admins = await fetchAdminLists(this.options.adminLists); } async updatePlayerList() { if (this.updatePlayerListTimeout) clearTimeout(this.updatePlayerListTimeout); Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, `Updating player list...`); try { const oldPlayerInfo = new Map(); for (const player of this.players) { oldPlayerInfo.set(player.eosID, player); } const players = []; Logger.verbose('updatePlayerList',1,`eventstore player data: ${JSON.stringify(this.logParser.eventStore.players)}`); for (const player of await this.rcon.getListPlayers()){ players.push({ ...oldPlayerInfo.get(player.eosID), ...player, playercontroller: this.logParser.eventStore.players[player.steamID] ? this.logParser.eventStore.players[player.steamID].controller : null, squad: await this.getSquadByID(player.teamID, player.squadID) }); } this.players = players; for (const player of players) { this.playerinfo.set(player.eosID, player); } for (const player of this.players) { const oldplayer = oldPlayerInfo.get(player.eosID); if (!oldplayer) continue; if ( !== this.emit('PLAYER_NAME_CHANGE', { player: player, oldName:, newName: }); if (player.teamID !== oldplayer.teamID) this.emit('PLAYER_TEAM_CHANGE', { player: player, oldTeamID: oldplayer.teamID, newTeamID: player.teamID }); if (player.squadID !== oldplayer.squadID) this.emit('PLAYER_SQUAD_CHANGE', { player: player, oldSquadID: oldplayer.squadID, newSquadID: player.squadID }); } if (this.a2sPlayerCount > 0 && players.length === 0) Logger.verbose( 'SquadServer', 1, `Real Player Count: ${this.a2sPlayerCount} but loaded ${players.length}` ); this.emit('UPDATED_PLAYER_INFORMATION'); } catch (err) { Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, 'Failed to update player list.', err); } Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, `Updated player list.`); this.updatePlayerListTimeout = setTimeout(this.updatePlayerList, this.updatePlayerListInterval); } async updateSquadList() { if (this.updateSquadListTimeout) clearTimeout(this.updateSquadListTimeout); Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, `Updating squad list...`); try { this.squads = await this.rcon.getSquads(); } catch (err) { Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, 'Failed to update squad list.', err); } Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, `Updated squad list.`); this.updateSquadListTimeout = setTimeout(this.updateSquadList, this.updateSquadListInterval); } async updateLayerInformation() { if (this.updateLayerInformationTimeout) clearTimeout(this.updateLayerInformationTimeout); Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, `Updating layer information...`); try { let currentLayer = this.currentLayer; const currentMap = await this.rcon.getCurrentMap(); const nextMap = await this.rcon.getNextMap(); const nextMapToBeVoted = nextMap.layer === 'To be voted'; Logger.verbose( 'layerupdate', 1, 'curlay name:' + currentLayer?.name + ', rcon name:' + currentMap.layer ); if (currentLayer?.name !== currentMap.layer) { let rconlayer = await Layers.getLayerByName(currentMap.layer); if (!rconlayer) rconlayer = await Layers.getLayerById(currentMap.layer); if (!rconlayer) rconlayer = await Layers.getLayerByClassname(currentMap.layer); if (rconlayer && currentMap.layer !== "Jensen's Training Range") { currentLayer = rconlayer; Logger.verbose( 'layerupdate', 1, `RCON is setting Layer information to ${rconlayer.layerid}` ); } } if (currentLayer) Logger.verbose('layerupdate', 1, 'Found Current layer'); else Logger.verbose('layerupdate', 1, 'WARNING: Could not find layer from RCON'); const nextLayer = nextMapToBeVoted ? null : await Layers.getLayerByName(nextMap.layer); if (this.layerHistory.length === 0) { this.layerHistory.unshift({ layer: currentLayer, time: }); this.layerHistory = this.layerHistory.slice(0, this.layerHistoryMaxLength); } this.currentLayer = currentLayer; this.nextLayer = nextLayer; this.nextLayerToBeVoted = nextMapToBeVoted; this.emit('UPDATED_LAYER_INFORMATION'); } catch (err) { Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, 'Failed to update layer information.', err); } Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, `Updated layer information.`); this.updateLayerInformationTimeout = setTimeout( this.updateLayerInformation, this.updateLayerInformationInterval ); } async updateA2SInformation() { if (this.updateA2SInformationTimeout) clearTimeout(this.updateA2SInformationTimeout); Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, `Updating A2S information...`); const serverlayer = this.currentLayer; try { // const data = await Gamedig.query({ // type: 'squad', // host:, // port: this.options.queryPort // }); const rawData = await this.rcon.execute(`ShowServerInfo`); Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 3, `A2S raw data`, rawData); const data = JSON.parse(rawData); Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 2, `A2S data`,; // Logger.verbose("SquadServer", 1, `A2S data`, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)) const info = { raw: data, serverName: data.ServerName_s, maxPlayers: parseInt(data.MaxPlayers), publicQueueLimit: parseInt(data.PublicQueueLimit_I), reserveSlots: parseInt(data.PlayerReserveCount_I), playerCount: parseInt(data.PlayerCount_I), a2sPlayerCount: parseInt(data.PlayerCount_I), publicQueue: parseInt(data.PublicQueue_I), reserveQueue: parseInt(data.ReservedQueue_I), currentLayer: data.MapName_s, nextLayer: data.NextLayer_s, teamOne: data.TeamOne_s?.replace(new RegExp(data.MapName_s, 'i'), '') || '', teamTwo: data.TeamTwo_s?.replace(new RegExp(data.MapName_s, 'i'), '') || '', matchTimeout: parseFloat(data.MatchTimeout_d), gameVersion: data.GameVersion_s }; this.serverName = info.serverName; this.maxPlayers = info.maxPlayers; this.publicSlots = info.maxPlayers - info.reserveSlots; this.reserveSlots = info.reserveSlots; this.a2sPlayerCount = info.playerCount; this.publicQueue = info.publicQueue; this.reserveQueue = info.reserveQueue; this.matchTimeout = info.matchTimeout; this.gameVersion = info.gameVersion; Logger.verbose( 'layerupdate', 1, 'a2smsg' + info.currentLayer + ', current id:' + serverlayer?.layerid ); if (info.currentLayer !== serverlayer?.layerid) { const a2slayer = await Layers.getLayerById(info.currentLayer); this.currentLayer = a2slayer || this.currentLayer; Logger.verbose( 'layerupdate', 1, `A2S is setting Layer information to ${this.currentLayer?.layerid}` ); } this.emit('UPDATED_A2S_INFORMATION', info); this.emit('UPDATED_SERVER_INFORMATION', info); } catch (err) { Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, 'Failed to update A2S information.', err); } Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, `Updated A2S information.`); this.updateA2SInformationTimeout = setTimeout( this.updateA2SInformation, this.updateA2SInformationInterval ); } async updateLayerList() { // update expected list from http source await Layers.pull(); // grab layers actually available through rcon const rconRaw = (await this.rcon.execute('ListLayers'))?.split('\n') || []; // take out first result, not actual layer just a header rconRaw.shift(); // filter out raw result from RCON, modded layers have a suffix that needs filtering const rconLayers = []; for (const raw of rconRaw) { rconLayers.push(raw.split(' ')[0]); } // go through http layers and delete any that don't show up in rcon for (const layer of Layers.layers) { if (!rconLayers.find((e) => e === layer.layerid)) Layers._layers.delete(layer.layerid); } // add layers that are in RCON that we did not find in the http list for (const layer of rconLayers) { if (!Layers.layers.find((e) => e?.layerid === layer)) { const newLayer = this.mapLayer(layer); if (!newLayer) continue; // Logger.verbose('LayerUpdater', 1, 'Created RCON Layer: ', newLayer); Layers._layers.set(newLayer.layerid, newLayer); } } for (const layer of Layers.layers) { Logger.verbose('LayerUpdater', 1, 'Found layer: ' + layer.layerid + ' - ' +; } } // helper for updateLayerList mapLayer(layid) { layid = layid.replace(/[^\da-z_-]/gi, ''); const gl = /^((?[A-Z]+)_)?(?[A-Za-z_]+?)_((?[A-Za-z]+)(_|$))?((?[vV][0-9]+(-\w)?|[DN])(_|$))?((?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)[-v_](?[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?(_CQB)?$/gm.exec( layid )?.groups; if (!gl) return; const teams = []; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for (const t of ['team1', 'team2']) { teams.push({ tickets: 0, commander: false, vehicles: [], numberOfTanks: 0, numberOfHelicopters: 0 }); } teams[0].faction = gl.team1 ? gl.team1 : 'Unknown'; teams[0].name = gl.team1 ? gl.team1 : 'Unknown'; teams[1].faction = gl.team2 ? gl.team2 : 'Unknown'; teams[1].name = gl.team2 ? gl.team2 : 'Unknown'; return { name: layid.replace(/_/g, ' '), classname: gl.level, layerid: layid, modName: gl.mod ? gl.mod : 'Vanilla', map: { name: gl.level }, gamemode: gl.gamemode ? gl.gamemode : 'Training', gamemodeType: gl.gamemode ? gl.gamemode : 'Training', version: gl.version ? gl.version : 'v0', size: '0.0x0.0 km', sizeType: 'Playable Area', numberOfCapturePoints: 0, lighting: { name: 'Unknown', classname: 'Unknown' }, teams: teams }; } async getPlayerByCondition(condition, forceUpdate = false, retry = false) { let matches; if (!forceUpdate) { Logger.verbose('updatePlayerList', 1, `trying to get condition ${condition.toString()}`); matches = this.players.filter(condition); if (matches.length === 1) return matches[0]; Logger.verbose('updatePlayerList', 1, `ERROR: failed to find player ${JSON.stringify(condition)}, matches found: ${matches.length}`); Logger.verbose('updatePlayerList', 1, `this.players: ${JSON.stringify(this.players)}`); if (!retry) return null; } // await this.updatePlayerList(); Logger.verbose('updatePlayerList', 1, 'ERROR: attempted to update player list through RCON'); matches = this.players.filter(condition); if (matches.length === 1) return matches[0]; return null; } async getSquadByCondition(condition, forceUpdate = false, retry = false) { let matches; if (!forceUpdate) { matches = this.squads.filter(condition); if (matches.length === 1) return matches[0]; Logger.verbose('updateSquadList', 1, `ERROR: failed to find squad ${JSON.stringify(condition)}, matches found: ${matches.length}`); if (!retry) return null; } // await this.updateSquadList(); matches = this.squads.filter(condition); if (matches.length === 1) return matches[0]; return null; } async getSquadByID(teamID, squadID) { if (squadID == null || teamID == null) return null; return this.getSquadByCondition( (squad) => squad.teamID === teamID && squad.squadID === squadID ); } async getPlayerBySteamID(steamID, forceUpdate) { if (steamID == null) return null; return this.getPlayerByCondition((player) => player.steamID === steamID, forceUpdate); } async getPlayerByEOSID(eosID, forceUpdate) { if (eosID == null) return null; return this.getPlayerByCondition((player) => player.EOSID === eosID, forceUpdate); } async getPlayerByName(name, forceUpdate) { if (name == null) return null; return this.getPlayerByCondition((player) => === name, forceUpdate); } async getPlayerByNameSuffix(suffix, forceUpdate) { if (suffix == null) return null; return this.getPlayerByCondition((player) => player.suffix === suffix, forceUpdate, false); } async getPlayerByController(controller, forceUpdate) { if (controller == null) return null; return this.getPlayerByCondition((player) => player.playercontroller === controller, forceUpdate); } async getPlayerByClassname(classname, forceUpdate){ if (classname == null) return null; return this.getPlayerByCondition((player) => player.classname === classname, forceUpdate); } async pingSquadJSAPI() { // noinspection UnreachableCodeJS // if (this.pingSquadJSAPITimeout) clearTimeout(this.pingSquadJSAPITimeout); // Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, 'Pinging SquadJS API...'); // // const payload = { // // Send information about the server. // server: { // host:, // queryPort: this.options.queryPort, // // name: this.serverName, // playerCount: this.a2sPlayerCount + this.publicQueue + this.reserveQueue // }, // // // Send information about SquadJS. // squadjs: { // version: SQUADJS_VERSION, // logReaderMode: this.options.logReaderMode, // // // Send the plugin config so we can see what plugins they're using (none of the config is sensitive). // plugins: => ({ // ...plugin.rawOptions, // plugin: // })) // } // }; // // try { // const { data } = await + '/api/v1/ping', payload); // // if (data.error) // Logger.verbose( // 'SquadServer', // 1, // `Successfully pinged the SquadJS API. Got back error: ${data.error}` // ); // else // Logger.verbose( // 'SquadServer', // 1, // `Successfully pinged the SquadJS API. Got back message: ${data.message}` // ); // } catch (err) { // Logger.verbose('SquadServer', 1, 'Failed to ping the SquadJS API: ', err.message); // } // // this.pingSquadJSAPITimeout = setTimeout(this.pingSquadJSAPI, this.pingSquadJSAPIInterval); } }