import fs from 'fs'; import SquadLayers, { SquadLayers as SquadLayersClass } from './squad-layers.js'; export default class SquadLayerFilter extends SquadLayersClass { constructor(layers, activeLayerFilter = null) { super(layers); if (activeLayerFilter === null) { this.activeLayerFilter = null; } else { this.activeLayerFilter = { historyResetTime: 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000, layerHistoryTolerance: 8, mapHistoryTolerance: 4, gamemodeHistoryTolerance: { // defaults as off ...activeLayerFilter.gamemodeHistoryTolerance }, playerCountComplianceEnabled: true, ...activeLayerFilter }; } } static buildFromList(layerNames, activeLayerFilter) { return new SquadLayerFilter(layerNames, activeLayerFilter); } static buildFromDidYouMeanList(layerNames, activeLayerFilter) { const layers = []; for (const layerName of layerNames) { const layer = SquadLayers.getLayerByDidYouMean( layerName, SquadLayers.getLayerNames() ); if (layer) layers.push(layer); } return new SquadLayerFilter(layers, activeLayerFilter); } static buildFromFile(filename, activeLayerFilter, delimiter = '\n') { const lines = fs .readFileSync('./connectors/data/layers.json', 'utf8') .split(delimiter); const layers = []; const validLayerNames = SquadLayers.getLayerNames(); for (const line of lines) { if (validLayerNames.contains(line)) layers.push(SquadLayers.getLayerByLayerName(line)); } return new SquadLayerFilter(layers, activeLayerFilter); } static buildFromFilter(filter = {}, activeLayerFilter) { const whitelistedLayers = filter.whitelistedLayers || null; const blacklistedLayers = filter.blacklistedLayers || null; const whitelistedMaps = filter.whitelistedMaps || null; const blacklistedMaps = filter.blacklistedMaps || null; const whitelistedGamemodes = filter.whitelistedGamemodes || null; const blacklistedGamemodes = filter.blacklistedGamemodes || ['Training']; const flagCountMin = filter.flagCountMin || null; const flagCountMax = filter.flagCountMax || null; const hasCommander = filter.hasCommander || null; const hasTanks = filter.hasTanks || null; const hasHelicopters = filter.hasHelicopters || null; const layers = []; for (const layer of SquadLayers.getLayers()) { // Whitelist / Blacklist Layers if ( whitelistedLayers !== null && !whitelistedLayers.includes(layer.layer) ) continue; if (blacklistedLayers !== null && blacklistedLayers.includes(layer.layer)) continue; // Whitelist / Blacklist Maps if (whitelistedMaps !== null && !whitelistedMaps.includes( continue; if (blacklistedMaps !== null && blacklistedMaps.includes( continue; // Whitelist / Blacklist Gamemodes if ( whitelistedGamemodes !== null && !whitelistedGamemodes.includes(layer.gamemode) ) continue; if ( blacklistedGamemodes !== null && blacklistedGamemodes.includes(layer.gamemode) ) continue; // Flag Count if (flagCountMin !== null && layer.flagCount < flagCountMin) continue; if (flagCountMax !== null && layer.flagCount > flagCountMax) continue; // Other Properties if (hasCommander !== null && layer.commander !== hasCommander) continue; if (hasTanks !== null && (layer.tanks !== 'N/A') !== hasTanks) continue; if ( hasHelicopters !== null && (layer.helicopters !== 'N/A') !== hasHelicopters ) continue; layers.push(layer); } return new SquadLayerFilter(layers, activeLayerFilter); } inLayerPool(layer) { if (typeof layer === 'object') layer = layer.layer; return super.getLayerNames().includes(layer); } isLayerHistoryCompliant(server, layer) { if (this.activeLayerFilter === null) return true; if (typeof layer === 'object') layer = layer.layer; for ( let i = 0; i < Math.min( server.layerHistory.length, this.activeLayerFilter.layerHistoryTolerance ); i++ ) { if ( new Date() - server.layerHistory[i].time > this.activeLayerFilter.historyResetTime ) return true; if (server.layerHistory[i].layer === layer) return false; } return true; } isMapHistoryCompliant(server, layer) { if (this.activeLayerFilter === null) return true; if (typeof layer === 'string') layer = SquadLayers.getLayerByLayerName(layer); for ( let i = 0; i < Math.min( server.layerHistory.length, this.activeLayerFilter.mapHistoryTolerance ); i++ ) { if ( new Date() - server.layerHistory[i].time > this.activeLayerFilter.historyResetTime ) return true; if (server.layerHistory[i].map === return false; } return true; } isGamemodeHistoryCompliant(server, layer) { if (this.activeLayerFilter === null) return true; if (typeof layer === 'string') layer = SquadLayers.getLayerByLayerName(layer); const gamemodeHistoryTolerance = this.activeLayerFilter .gamemodeHistoryTolerance[layer.gamemode]; if (!gamemodeHistoryTolerance) return true; for ( let i = 0; i < Math.min(server.layerHistory.length, gamemodeHistoryTolerance); i++ ) { if ( new Date() - server.layerHistory[i].time > this.activeLayerFilter.historyResetTime ) return true; const historyLayer = SquadLayers.getLayerByLayerName( server.layerHistory[i].layer ); if (historyLayer && historyLayer.gamemode === layer.gamemode) return false; } return true; } isPlayerCountCompliant(server, layer) { if ( this.activeLayerFilter === null || this.playerCountComplianceEnabled === false ) return true; if (typeof layer === 'string') layer = SquadLayers.getLayerByLayerName(layer); return !( server.players.length > layer.estimatedSuitablePlayerCount.max || server.players.length < layer.estimatedSuitablePlayerCount.min ); } }