import EventEmitter from 'events'; import async from 'async'; import moment from 'moment'; import Logger from '../logger.js'; import TailLogReader from './log-readers/tail.js'; import FTPLogReader from './log-readers/ftp.js'; export default class LogParser extends EventEmitter { constructor(filename = 'filename.log', options = {}) { super(); options.filename = filename; this.eventStore = {}; this.linesPerMinute = 0; this.matchingLinesPerMinute = 0; this.matchingLatency = 0; this.parsingStatsInterval = null; this.processLine = this.processLine.bind(this); this.logStats = this.logStats.bind(this); this.queue = async.queue(this.processLine); switch (options.mode || 'tail') { case 'tail': this.logReader = new TailLogReader(this.queue.push, options); break; case 'ftp': this.logReader = new FTPLogReader(this.queue.push, options); break; default: throw new Error('Invalid mode.'); } } async processLine(line) { Logger.verbose('LogParser', 4, `Matching on line: ${line}`); for (const rule of this.getRules()) { const match = line.match(rule.regex); if (!match) continue; Logger.verbose('LogParser', 3, `Matched on line: ${match[0]}`); match[1] = moment.utc(match[1], '').toDate(); match[2] = parseInt(match[2]); rule.onMatch(match, this); this.matchingLinesPerMinute++; this.matchingLatency += - match[1]; break; } this.linesPerMinute++; } getRules() { return []; } async watch() { Logger.verbose('LogParser', 1, 'Attempting to watch log file...'); await; Logger.verbose('LogParser', 1, 'Watching log file...'); this.parsingStatsInterval = setInterval(this.logStats, 60 * 1000); } logStats() { Logger.verbose( 'LogParser', 1, `Lines parsed per minute: ${ this.linesPerMinute } lines per minute | Matching lines per minute: ${ this.matchingLinesPerMinute } matching lines per minute | Average matching latency: ${ this.matchingLatency / this.matchingLinesPerMinute }ms` ); this.linesPerMinute = 0; this.matchingLinesPerMinute = 0; this.matchingLatency = 0; } async unwatch() { await this.logReader.unwatch(); clearInterval(this.parsingStatsInterval); } }