import Sequelize from 'sequelize'; import BasePlugin from './base-plugin.js'; const { DataTypes } = Sequelize; export default class DiscordBaseMessageUpdater extends BasePlugin { static get optionsSpecification() { return { discordClient: { required: true, description: 'Discord connector name.', connector: 'discord', default: 'discord' }, messageStore: { required: true, description: 'Sequelize connector name.', connector: 'sequelize', default: 'sqlite' }, command: { required: true, description: 'Command name to get message.', default: '', example: '!command' }, disableSubscriptions: { required: false, description: 'Whether to allow messages to be subscribed to automatic updates.', default: false } }; } constructor(server, options, connectors) { super(server, options, connectors); // Setup model to store subscribed messages. this.SubscribedMessage = this.options.messageStore.define( `${}_SubscribedMessage`, { channelID: DataTypes.STRING, messageID: DataTypes.STRING, server: DataTypes.INTEGER }, { timestamps: false } ); this.onDiscordMessage = this.onDiscordMessage.bind(this); } async prepareToMount() { await this.SubscribedMessage.sync(); } async mount() { this.options.discordClient.on('message', this.onDiscordMessage); } async unmount() { this.options.discordClient.removeEventListener('message', this.onDiscordMessage); } async generateMessage() { throw new Error('generateMessage method must be defined.'); } async onDiscordMessage(message) { // Parse the incoming message. const commandMatch = message.content.match( new RegExp(`^${this.options.command}(?: (subscribe)| (unsubscribe) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+))?$`, 'i') ); // Stop processing the message if it does not match the command. if (!commandMatch) return; // Split message parts. const [subscribe, unsubscribe, channelID, messageID] = commandMatch.slice(1); // Handle non subscription messages. if (subscribe === undefined && unsubscribe === undefined) { this.verbose(1, 'Generating message content...'); const generatedMessage = await this.generateMessage(); this.verbose(1, 'Sending non-subscription message...'); await; this.verbose(1, 'Sent non-subscription message.'); return; } // Handle subscription message. if (subscribe !== undefined) { if (this.options.disableSubscriptions) { await message.reply('automated updates is disabled.'); return; } this.verbose(1, 'Generating message content...'); const generatedMessage = await this.generateMessage(); this.verbose(1, 'Sending subscription message...'); const newMessage = await; this.verbose(1, 'Sent subscription message.'); // Subscribe the message for automated updates. const newChannelID =; const newMessageID =; this.verbose( 1, `Subscribing message (Channel ID: ${newChannelID}, Message ID: ${newMessageID}) to automated updates...` ); await this.SubscribedMessage.create({ channelID: newChannelID, messageID: newMessageID, server: }); this.verbose( 1, `Subscribed message (Channel ID: ${newChannelID}, Message ID: ${newMessageID}) to automated updates.` ); return; } // Handle unsubscription messages. if (unsubscribe !== undefined) { this.verbose( 1, `Unsubscribing message (Channel ID: ${channelID}, Message ID: ${messageID}) from automated updates...` ); await this.SubscribedMessage.destroy({ where: { channelID: channelID, messageID: messageID, server: } }); this.verbose( 1, `Unsubscribed message (Channel ID: ${channelID}, Message ID: ${messageID}) from automated updates.` ); this.verbose(1, 'Sending acknowledgement message...'); await message.reply('unsubscribed message from automated updates.'); this.verbose(1, 'Sent acknowledgement message.'); } } async updateMessages() { this.verbose(1, 'Generating message content for update...'); // Generate the new message. const generatedMessage = await this.generateMessage(); // Get subscribed messages. const subscribedMessages = await this.SubscribedMessage.findAll({ where: { server: } }); // Update each message. this.verbose(1, `Updating ${subscribedMessages.length} messages...`); for (const subscribedMessage of subscribedMessages) { const { channelID, messageID } = subscribedMessage; try { this.verbose(1, `Getting message (Channel ID: ${channelID}, Message ID: ${messageID})...`); const channel = await this.options.discordClient.channels.fetch(channelID); const message = await channel.messages.fetch(messageID); this.verbose(1, `Updating message (Channel ID: ${channelID}, Message ID: ${messageID})...`); await message.edit(generatedMessage); this.verbose(1, `Updated message (Channel ID: ${channelID}, Message ID: ${messageID}).`); } catch (err) { if (err.code === 10008) { this.verbose( 1, `Message (Channel ID: ${channelID}, Message ID: ${messageID}) was deleted. Removing from automated updates...` ); await subscribedMessage.destroy(); } else { this.verbose( 1, `Message (Channel ID: ${channelID}, Message ID: ${messageID}) could not be updated: `, err ); } } } } }