import DiscordBasePlugin from './discord-base-plugin.js'; export default class DiscordTeamkill extends DiscordBasePlugin { static get description() { return ( 'The DiscordTeamkill plugin logs teamkills and related information to a Discord channel for ' + 'admins to review.' ); } static get defaultEnabled() { return true; } static get optionsSpecification() { return { ...DiscordBasePlugin.optionsSpecification, channelID: { required: true, description: 'The ID of the channel to log teamkills to.', default: '', example: '667741905228136459' }, color: { required: false, description: 'The color of the embeds.', default: 16761867 }, disableSCBL: { required: false, description: 'Disable Squad Community Ban List information.', default: false } }; } constructor(server, options, connectors) { super(server, options, connectors); this.onTeamkill = this.onTeamkill.bind(this); } async mount() { this.server.on('TEAMKILL', this.onTeamkill); } async unmount() { this.server.removeEventListener('TEAMKILL', this.onTeamkill); } async onTeamkill(info) { if (!info.attacker) return; const fields = [ { name: "Attacker's Name", value:, inline: true }, { name: "Attacker's SteamID", value: `[${info.attacker.steamID}](${info.attacker.steamID})`, inline: true }, { name: 'Weapon', value: info.weapon }, { name: "Victim's Name", value:, inline: true }, { name: "Victim's SteamID", value: `[${info.victim.steamID}](${info.victim.steamID})`, inline: true } ]; if (!this.options.disableSCBL) fields.push({ name: 'Squad Community Ban List', value: `[Attacker's Bans](${info.attacker.steamID})` }); await this.sendDiscordMessage({ embed: { title: `Teamkill: ${}`, color: this.options.color, fields: fields, timestamp: info.time.toISOString() } }); } }