import BasePlugin from './base-plugin.js'; export default class AutoKickUnassigned extends BasePlugin { static get description() { return ( 'The AutoKickUnassigned plugin will automatically kick players that are not in a squad after a ' + 'specified ammount of time.' ); } static get defaultEnabled() { return true; } static get optionsSpecification() { return { warningMessage: { required: false, description: 'Message SquadJS will send to players warning them they will be kicked', default: 'Join a squad, you are are unassigned and will be kicked' }, kickMessage: { required: false, description: 'Message to send to players when they are kicked', default: 'Unassigned - automatically removed' }, frequencyOfWarnings: { required: false, description: 'How often in Seconds should we warn the player about being unassigned?', default: 30 }, unassignedTimer: { required: false, description: 'How long in Seconds to wait before a unassigned player is kicked', default: 360 }, playerThreshold: { required: false, description: 'Player count required for AutoKick to start kicking players, set to -1 to disable', default: 93 }, roundStartDelay: { required: false, description: 'Time delay in Seconds from start of the round before AutoKick starts kicking again', default: 900 }, ignoreAdmins: { required: false, description: '', default: false }, ignoreWhitelist: { required: false, description: '', default: false } }; } /** * trackedPlayers[] = * * = { * player: * warnings: * startTime: * warnTimerID: * kickTimerID: * } */ constructor(server, options, connectors) { super(server, options, connectors); this.adminPermission = 'canseeadminchat'; this.whitelistPermission = 'reserve'; this.kickTimeout = options.unassignedTimer * 1000; this.warningInterval = options.frequencyOfWarnings * 1000; this.gracePeriod = options.roundStartDelay * 1000; this.trackingListUpdateFrequency = 1 * 60 * 1000; // 1min this.cleanUpFrequency = 20 * 60 * 1000; // 20min this.betweenRounds = false; this.trackedPlayers = {}; this.onNewGame = this.onNewGame.bind(this); this.onPlayerSquadChange = this.onPlayerSquadChange.bind(this); this.updateTrackingList = this.updateTrackingList.bind(this); this.clearDisconnectedPlayers = this.clearDisconnectedPlayers.bind(this); } async mount() { this.server.on('NEW_GAME', this.onNewGame); this.server.on('PLAYER_SQUAD_CHANGE', this.onPlayerSquadChange); this.updateTrackingListInterval = setInterval( this.updateTrackingList, this.trackingListUpdateFrequency ); this.clearDisconnectedPlayersInterval = setInterval( this.clearDisconnectedPlayers, this.cleanUpFrequency ); } async unmount() { this.server.removeEventListener('NEW_GAME', this.onNewGame); this.server.removeEventListener('PLAYER_SQUAD_CHANGE', this.onPlayerSquadChange); clearInterval(this.updateTrackingListInterval); clearInterval(this.clearDisconnectedPlayersInterval); } async onNewGame() { this.betweenRounds = true; await this.updateTrackingList(); setTimeout(() => { this.betweenRounds = false; }, this.gracePeriod); } async onPlayerSquadChange(player) { if (player.steamID in this.trackedPlayers && player.squadID !== null) this.untrackPlayer(player.steamID); } async updateTrackingList(forceUpdate = false) { const run = !(this.betweenRounds || this.server.players.length < this.options.playerThreshold); this.verbose( 3, `Update Tracking List? ${run} (Between rounds: ${ this.betweenRounds }, Below player threshold: ${this.server.players.length < this.options.playerThreshold})` ); if (!run) { for (const steamID of Object.keys(this.trackedPlayers)) this.untrackPlayer(steamID); return; } if (forceUpdate) await this.server.updatePlayerList(); const admins = this.server.getAdminsWithPermission(this.adminPermission); const whitelist = this.server.getAdminsWithPermission(this.whitelistPermission); // loop through players on server and start tracking players not in a squad for (const player of this.server.players) { const isTracked = player.steamID in this.trackedPlayers; const isUnassigned = player.squadID === null; const isAdmin = admins.includes(player.steamID); const isWhitelist = whitelist.includes(player.steamID); // tracked player joined a squad remove them (redundant afer adding PLAYER_SQUAD_CHANGE, keeping for now) if (!isUnassigned && isTracked) this.untrackPlayer(player.steamID); if (!isUnassigned) continue; if (isAdmin) this.verbose(2, `Admin is Unassigned: ${}`); if (isAdmin && this.options.ignoreAdmins) continue; if (isWhitelist) this.verbose(2, `Whitelist player is Unassigned: ${}`); if (isWhitelist && this.options.ignoreWhitelist) continue; // start tracking player if (!isTracked) this.trackedPlayers[player.steamID] = this.trackPlayer({ player }); } } async clearDisconnectedPlayers() { for (const steamID of Object.keys(this.trackedPlayers)) if (!(steamID in => p.steamID))) this.untrackPlayer(steamID); } msFormat(ms) { // take in generic # of ms and return formatted MM:SS let min = Math.floor((ms / 1000 / 60) << 0); let sec = Math.floor((ms / 1000) % 60); min = ('' + min).padStart(2, '0'); sec = ('' + sec).padStart(2, '0'); return `${min}:${sec}`; } trackPlayer(info) { this.verbose(2, `Tracking: ${}`); const tracker = { player: info.player, warnings: 0, startTime: }; // continuously warn player at rate set in options tracker.warnTimerID = setInterval(async () => { const msLeft = this.kickTimeout - this.warningInterval * (tracker.warnings + 1); // clear on last warning if (msLeft < this.warningInterval + 1) clearInterval(tracker.warnTimerID); const timeLeft = this.msFormat(msLeft); this.server.rcon.warn(tracker.player.steamID, `${this.options.warningMessage} - ${timeLeft}`); this.verbose(2, `Warning: ${} (${timeLeft})`); tracker.warnings++; }, this.warningInterval); // set timeout to kick player tracker.kickTimerID = setTimeout(async () => { // ensures player is still Unassigned await this.updateTrackingList(true); // return if player in tracker was removed from list if (!(tracker.player.steamID in this.trackedPlayers)) return; this.server.rcon.kick(info.player.steamID, this.options.kickMessage); this.server.emit('PLAYER_AUTO_KICKED', { player: tracker.player, warnings: tracker.warnings, startTime: tracker.startTime }); this.verbose(1, `Kicked: ${}`); this.untrackPlayer(tracker.player.steamID); }, this.kickTimeout); return tracker; } untrackPlayer(steamID) { const tracker = this.trackedPlayers[steamID]; clearInterval(tracker.warnTimerID); clearTimeout(tracker.kickTimerID); delete this.trackedPlayers[steamID]; this.verbose(2, `unTrack: ${}`); } }