import { createServer } from 'http'; import { Server } from ''; import BasePlugin from './base-plugin.js'; const eventsToBroadcast = [ 'CHAT_MESSAGE', 'POSSESSED_ADMIN_CAMERA', 'UNPOSSESSED_ADMIN_CAMERA', 'RCON_ERROR', 'ADMIN_BROADCAST', 'DEPLOYABLE_DAMAGED', 'NEW_GAME', 'PLAYER_CONNECTED', 'PLAYER_DISCONNECTED', 'PLAYER_DAMAGED', 'PLAYER_WOUNDED', 'PLAYER_DIED', 'PLAYER_REVIVED', 'TEAMKILL', 'PLAYER_POSSESS', 'PLAYER_UNPOSSESS', 'TICK_RATE', 'PLAYER_TEAM_CHANGE', 'PLAYER_SQUAD_CHANGE', 'UPDATED_PLAYER_INFORMATION', 'UPDATED_LAYER_INFORMATION', 'UPDATED_A2S_INFORMATION', 'PLAYER_AUTO_KICKED', 'PLAYER_WARNED', 'PLAYER_KICKED', 'PLAYER_BANNED', 'SQUAD_CREATED' ]; export default class SocketIOAPI extends BasePlugin { static get description() { return ( 'The SocketIOAPI plugin allows remote access to a SquadJS instance via Socket.IO' + '
As a client example you can use this to connect to the server;' + `

      const socket = io.connect('ws://IP:PORT', {
        auth: {
          token: "MySecretPassword"
` + 'If you need more documentation about please go ahead and read the following;' + '
General documentation: Docs' + '
Authentication and securing your websocket: Sending-credentials' + '
How to use, install and configure a socketIO-client: Usage Guide with Examples' ); } static get defaultEnabled() { return false; } static get optionsSpecification() { return { websocketPort: { required: true, description: 'The port for the websocket.', default: '', example: '3000' }, securityToken: { required: true, description: 'Your secret token/password for connecting.', default: '', example: 'MySecretPassword' } }; } constructor(server, options, connectors) { super(server, options, connectors); this.httpServer = createServer(); = new Server(this.httpServer, { cors: { origin: 'http://localhost:3000', methods: ['GET', 'POST'] } });, next) => { if (socket.handshake.auth && socket.handshake.auth.token === this.options.securityToken) { next(); } else { next(new Error('Invalid token.')); } });'connection', (socket) => { this.verbose(1, 'New Connection Made.'); this.bindListeners(socket, this.server); this.bindListeners(socket, this.server.rcon, 'rcon.'); // Events to broadcast for (const eventToBroadcast of eventsToBroadcast) { this.server.on(eventToBroadcast, (...args) => { socket.emit(eventToBroadcast, ...args); }); } }); } async mount() { this.httpServer.listen(this.options.websocketPort); } async unmount() { this.httpServer.close(); } bindListeners(socket, obj, prefix = '') { const ignore = [ 'options', 'constructor', 'watch', 'unwatch', 'setupRCON', 'setupLogParser', 'getPlayerByCondition', 'pingSquadJSAPI', '_events', '_eventsCount', '_maxListeners', 'plugins', 'rcon', 'logParser', 'updatePlayerListInterval', 'updatePlayerListTimeout', 'updateLayerInformationInterval', 'updateLayerInformationTimeout', 'updateA2SInformationInterval', 'updateA2SInformationTimeout', 'pingSquadJSAPIInterval', 'pingSquadJSAPI', 'pingSquadJSAPITimeout', 'rcon.constructor', 'rcon.processChatPacket', 'rcon._events', 'rcon._eventsCount', 'rcon._maxListeners', 'rcon.password', 'rcon.connect', 'rcon.onData', 'rcon.onClose', 'rcon.onError', 'rcon.client', 'rcon.autoReconnect', 'rcon.autoReconnectTimeout', 'rcon.incomingData', 'rcon.incomingResponse', 'rcon.responseCallbackQueue' ]; for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj))) { if (ignore.includes(`${prefix}${key}`)) continue; this.verbose(1, `Setting method listener for ${prefix}${key}...`); socket.on(`${prefix}${key}`, async (...rawArgs) => { const args = rawArgs.slice(0, rawArgs.length - 1); const callback = rawArgs[rawArgs.length - 1]; this.verbose(1, `Call to ${prefix}${key}(${args.join(', ')})`); const reponse = await obj[key](...args); callback(reponse); }); } for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)) { if (ignore.includes(`${prefix}${key}`)) continue; this.verbose(1, `Setting properties listener for ${prefix}${key}...`); socket.on(`${prefix}${key}`, (callback) => { this.verbose(1, `Call to ${prefix}${key}...`); const reponse = obj[key]; callback(reponse); }); } } }