import { COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE } from 'core/config'; import { LOG_PARSER_TEAMKILL } from 'squad-server/events/log-parser'; export default async function plugin( server, discordClient, channelID, options = {} ) { if (!server) throw new Error( 'DiscordTeamKill must be provided with a reference to the server.' ); if (!discordClient) throw new Error( 'DiscordTeamkill must be provided with a Discord.js client.' ); if (!channelID) throw new Error('DiscordTeamkill must be provided with a channel ID.'); options = { color: 16761867, ...options }; const channel = await discordClient.channels.fetch(channelID); server.on(LOG_PARSER_TEAMKILL, info => { if (!info.attacker) return; channel.send({ embed: { title: `Teamkill: ${}`, color: options.color, fields: [ { name: "Attacker's Name", value:, inline: true }, { name: "Attacker's SteamID", value: `[${info.attacker.steamID}](${info.attacker.steamID})`, inline: true }, { name: 'Weapon', value: info.weapon }, { name: "Victim's Name", value:, inline: true }, { name: "Victim's SteamID", value: `[${info.victim.steamID}](${info.victim.steamID})`, inline: true }, { name: 'Squad Community Ban List', value: `[Attacker's Bans](${info.attacker.steamID})\n[Victims's Bans](${info.victim.steamID})` } ], timestamp: info.time.toISOString(), footer: { text: COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE } } }); }); }