import EventEmiiter from 'events'; import net from 'net'; const SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND = 0x02; const SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE = 0x00; const SERVERDATA_AUTH = 0x03; // const SERVERDATA_AUTH_RESPONSE = 0x02; const SERVERDATA_CHAT_VALUE = 0x01; const MID_PACKET_ID = 0x01; const END_PACKET_ID = 0x02; export default class Rcon extends EventEmiiter { constructor(options = {}) { super(); for (const option of ['host', 'port', 'password']) if (!(option in options)) throw new Error(`${option} must be specified.`); =; this.port = options.port; this.password = options.password; this.reconnectInterval = null; this.autoReconnectInterval = options.autoReconnectInterval || 5000; this.maximumPacketSize = 4096; this.client = null; this.connected = false; this.autoReconnect = true; this.requestQueue = []; this.currentMultiPacketResponse = []; this.ignoreNextEndPacket = false; this.onData = this.onData.bind(this); } connect() { this.verbose('Method Exec: connect()'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.autoReconnect = true; // setup socket this.client = new net.Socket(); this.client.on('data', this.onData); this.client.on('error', (err) => { this.verbose(`Socket Error: ${err.message}`); this.emit('RCON_ERROR', err); }); this.client.on('close', async (hadError) => { this.verbose(`Socket Closed. AutoReconnect: ${this.autoReconnect}`); this.connected = false; this.client.removeListener('data', this.onData); if (!this.autoReconnect) return; if (this.reconnectInterval !== null) return; this.reconnectInterval = setInterval(async () => { this.verbose('Attempting AutoReconnect.'); try { await this.connect(); clearInterval(this.reconnectInterval); this.reconnectInterval = null; this.verbose('Cleaned AutoReconnect.'); } catch (err) { this.verbose('AutoReconnect Failed.'); } }, this.autoReconnectInterval); }); const onConnect = async () => { this.verbose('Socket Opened.'); this.client.removeListener('error', onError); this.connected = true; this.verbose('Sending auth packet...'); await this.write(SERVERDATA_AUTH, this.password); resolve(); }; const onError = (err) => { this.verbose(`Error Opening Socket: ${err.message}`); this.client.removeListener('connect', onConnect); reject(err); }; this.client.once('connect', onConnect); this.client.once('error', onError); this.client.connect(this.port,; }); } async disconnect(disableAutoReconnect = true) { this.verbose(`Method Exec: disconnect(${disableAutoReconnect})`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (disableAutoReconnect) this.autoReconnect = false; const onClose = () => { this.verbose('Disconnect successful.'); this.client.removeListener('error', onError); resolve(); }; const onError = (err) => { this.verbose(`Error disconnecting: ${err.message}`); this.client.removeListener('close', onClose); reject(err); }; this.client.once('close', onClose); this.client.once('error', onError); this.client.end(); }); } decodePacket(buf) { return { size: buf.readInt32LE(0), id: buf.readInt32LE(4), type: buf.readInt32LE(8), body: buf.toString('utf8', 12, buf.byteLength - 2) }; } onData(inputBuf) { let offset = 0; while (offset < inputBuf.byteLength) { const endOfPacket = offset + inputBuf.readInt32LE(offset) + 4; const packetBuf = inputBuf.slice(offset, endOfPacket); offset = endOfPacket; const decodedPacket = this.decodePacket(packetBuf); if (decodedPacket.type === SERVERDATA_CHAT_VALUE) { // emit chat messages to own event const message = decodedPacket.body.match( /\[(ChatAll|ChatTeam|ChatSquad|ChatAdmin)] \[SteamID:([0-9]{17})] (.+?) : (.*)/ ); this.emit('CHAT_MESSAGE', { raw: decodedPacket.body, chat: message[1], steamID: message[2], name: message[3], message: message[4], time: new Date() }); } else if ( === END_PACKET_ID) { if (this.ignoreNextEndPacket) { this.ignoreNextEndPacket = false; // boost the offset as the length seems wrong for this response offset += 7; continue; } this.ignoreNextEndPacket = true; // at end of multipacket resolve request queue const func = this.requestQueue.shift(); func(); } else { // push packet to multipacket queue this.currentMultiPacketResponse.push(decodedPacket); } } } encodePacket(type, id, body, encoding = 'utf8') { const size = Buffer.byteLength(body) + 14; const buffer = Buffer.alloc(size); buffer.writeInt32LE(size - 4, 0); buffer.writeInt32LE(id, 4); buffer.writeInt32LE(type, 8); buffer.write(body, 12, size - 2, encoding); buffer.writeInt16LE(0, size - 2); return buffer; } write(type, body) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this.client.writable) { reject(new Error('Unable to write to socket')); return; } if (!this.connected) { reject(new Error('Not connected.')); return; } // prepare packets to send const encodedPacket = this.encodePacket(type, MID_PACKET_ID, body); const encodedEmptyPacket = this.encodePacket(SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND, END_PACKET_ID, ''); if (this.maximumPacketSize > 0 && encodedPacket.length > this.maximumPacketSize) reject(new Error('Packet too long.')); // prepare to handle response. const handleAuthMultiPacket = async () => { this.client.removeListener('error', reject); for (const packet of this.currentMultiPacketResponse) { if (packet.type === SERVERDATA_RESPONSE_VALUE) continue; if ( !== MID_PACKET_ID) { this.verbose('Unable to authenticate.'); await this.disconnect(false); reject(new Error('Unable to authenticate.')); } this.currentMultiPacketResponse = []; this.verbose('Authenticated.'); resolve(); } }; const handleMultiPacket = () => { this.client.removeListener('error', reject); let response = ''; for (const packet of this.currentMultiPacketResponse) { response += packet.body; } this.currentMultiPacketResponse = []; resolve(response); }; if (type === SERVERDATA_AUTH) this.requestQueue.push(handleAuthMultiPacket); else this.requestQueue.push(handleMultiPacket); this.client.once('error', reject); // send packets this.client.write(encodedPacket); this.client.write(encodedEmptyPacket); }); } verbose(msg) { console.log(`[RCON] ${msg}`); } execute(command) { this.verbose(`Method Exec: execute(${command})`); return this.write(SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND, command); } async broadcast(message) { await this.execute(`AdminBroadcast ${message}`); } async getLayerInfo() { const response = await this.execute('ShowNextMap'); const match = response.match(/^Current map is (.+), Next map is (.*)/); return { currentLayer: match[1], nextLayer: match[2].length === 0 ? null : match[2] }; } async getListPlayers() { const response = await this.execute('ListPlayers'); const players = []; for (const line of response.split('\n')) { const match = line.match( /ID: ([0-9]+) \| SteamID: ([0-9]{17}) \| Name: (.+) \| Team ID: ([0-9]+) \| Squad ID: ([0-9]+|N\/A)/ ); if (!match) continue; players.push({ playerID: match[1], steamID: match[2], name: match[3], teamID: match[4], squadID: match[5] !== 'N/A' ? match[5] : null }); } return players; } async warn(steamID, message) { await this.execute(`AdminWarn "${steamID}" ${message}`); } async switchTeam(steamID) { await this.execute(`AdminForceTeamChange "${steamID}"`); } }