import Discord from 'discord.js'; import tinygradient from 'tinygradient'; import { COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE } from '../utils/constants.js'; import DiscordBaseMessageUpdater from './discord-base-message-updater.js'; export default class DiscordServerStatus extends DiscordBaseMessageUpdater { static get description() { return 'The DiscordServerStatus plugin can be used to get the server status in Discord.'; } static get defaultEnabled() { return true; } static get optionsSpecification() { return { ...DiscordBaseMessageUpdater.optionsSpecification, command: { required: false, description: 'Command name to get message.', default: '!status' }, updateInterval: { required: false, description: 'How frequently to update the time in Discord.', default: 60 * 1000 }, setBotStatus: { required: false, description: "Whether to update the bot's status with server information.", default: true } }; } constructor(server, options, connectors) { super(server, options, connectors); this.updateMessages = this.updateMessages.bind(this); this.updateStatus = this.updateStatus.bind(this); } async mount() { await super.mount(); this.updateInterval = setInterval(this.updateMessages, this.options.updateInterval); this.updateStatusInterval = setInterval(this.updateStatus, this.options.updateInterval); } async unmount() { await super.unmount(); clearInterval(this.updateInterval); clearInterval(this.updateStatusInterval); } async generateMessage() { const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed(); // Set embed title. embed.setTitle(this.server.serverName); // Set player embed field. let players = ''; players += `${this.server.a2sPlayerCount}`; if (this.server.publicQueue + this.server.reserveQueue > 0) players += ` (+${this.server.publicQueue + this.server.reserveQueue})`; players += ` / ${this.server.publicSlots}`; if (this.server.reserveSlots > 0) players += ` (+${this.server.reserveSlots})`; embed.addField('Players', players); // Set layer embed fields. embed.addField( 'Current Layer', `\`\`\`${this.server.currentLayer?.name || 'Unknown'}\`\`\``, true ); embed.addField( 'Next Layer', `\`\`\`${ this.server.nextLayer?.name || (this.server.nextLayerToBeVoted ? 'To be voted' : 'Unknown') }\`\`\``, true ); // Set layer image. embed.setImage( this.server.currentLayer ? `${this.server.currentLayer.layerid}.jpg` : undefined ); // Set timestamp. embed.setTimestamp(new Date()); // Set footer. embed.setFooter(COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE); // Set gradient embed color. embed.setColor( parseInt( tinygradient([ { color: '#ff0000', pos: 0 }, { color: '#ffff00', pos: 0.5 }, { color: '#00ff00', pos: 1 } ]) .rgbAt(this.server.a2sPlayerCount / (this.server.publicSlots + this.server.reserveSlots)) .toHex(), 16 ) ); return embed; } async updateStatus() { if (!this.options.setBotStatus) return; await this.options.discordClient.user.setActivity( `(${this.server.a2sPlayerCount}/${this.server.publicSlots}) ${ this.server.currentLayer?.name || 'Unknown' }`, { type: 'WATCHING' } ); } }