import tinygradient from 'tinygradient'; import { COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE } from 'core/constants'; import { SERVER_A2S_UPDATED } from 'squad-server/events/server'; const gradient = tinygradient([ { color: '#ff0000', pos: 0 }, { color: '#ffff00', pos: 0.5 }, { color: '#00ff00', pos: 1 } ]); function makeEmbed(server, options) { let players = `${server.playerCount}`; if (server.publicQueue + server.reserveQueue > 0) players += ` (+${server.publicQueue + server.reserveQueue})`; players += ` / ${server.publicSlots}`; if (server.reserveSlots > 0) players += ` (+${server.reserveSlots})`; const fields = [ { name: 'Players', value: `\`\`\`${players}\`\`\`` }, { name: 'Current Layer', value: `\`\`\`${server.currentLayer}\`\`\``, inline: true }, { name: 'Next Layer', value: `\`\`\`${server.nextLayer || 'Unknown'}\`\`\``, inline: true } ]; if (options.connectLink) fields.push({ name: 'Join Server', value: `steam://connect/${}:${server.queryPort}` }); return { embed: { title: server.serverName, color: options.colorGradient ? parseInt(gradient.rgbAt(server.playerCount / server.publicSlots).toHex(), 16) : options.color, fields: fields, timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), footer: { text: `Server Status by ${COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE}` } } }; } export default { name: 'discord-server-status', description: 'This plugin displays server status embeds in Discord.', defaultDisabled: false, optionsSpec: { discordClient: { type: 'DiscordConnector', required: true, default: 'discord', description: 'The name of the Discord Connector to use.' }, color: { type: 'Discord Color Code', required: false, default: 16761867, description: 'The color code of the Discord embed.' }, colorGradient: { type: 'Boolean', required: false, default: true, description: 'Apply gradient color to Discord embed depending on the player count.' }, connectLink: { type: 'Boolean', required: false, default: true, description: 'Display a Steam server connection link.' }, command: { type: 'String', required: false, default: '!server', description: 'The command that displays the embed.' }, disableStatus: { type: 'Boolean', required: false, default: false, description: 'Disable the bot status.' } }, init: async (server, options) => { options.discordClient.on('message', async (message) => { if (message.content !== options.command) return; const serverStatus = await, options)); await serverStatus.react('🔄'); }); options.discordClient.on('messageReactionAdd', async (reaction) => { // confirm it's a status message if ( reaction.message.embeds.length !== 1 || reaction.message.embeds[0].footer.text !== `Server Status by ${COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE}` ) return; // ignore bots reacting if (reaction.count === 1) return; // remove reaction and readd it await reaction.remove(); await reaction.message.react('🔄'); // update the message await reaction.message.edit(makeEmbed(server, options)); }); server.on(SERVER_A2S_UPDATED, () => { if (!options.disableStatus) options.discordClient.user.setActivity( `(${server.playerCount}/${server.publicSlots}) ${server.currentLayer}`, { type: 'WATCHING' } ); }); } };