2020-06-14 12:58:27 +01:00

143 lines
4.4 KiB

import SquadLayerFilter from 'connectors/squad-layer-filter';
import { COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE } from 'core/config';
import { LOG_PARSER_NEW_GAME } from 'squad-server/events/log-parser';
import { RCON_CHAT_MESSAGE } from 'squad-server/events/rcon';
import MapVote from './mapvote.js';
export default function(server, options = {}) {
let mapvote = null;
options = {
minVoteCount: null,
server.on(LOG_PARSER_NEW_GAME, () => {
mapvote = null;
server.on(RCON_CHAT_MESSAGE, async info => {
const voteMatch = info.message.match(/^([0-9])/);
if (voteMatch) {
if (!mapvote) return;
try {
const layerName = await mapvote.makeVoteByNumber(info.steamID, parseInt(voteMatch[1]));
await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, `You voted for ${layerName}.`);
} catch (err) {
await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, err.message);
await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, `Powered by: ${COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE}`);
const commandMatch = info.message.match(/^!mapvote ?(.*)/);
if (commandMatch) {
if (commandMatch[1].startsWith('start')) {
if (info.chat !== 'ChatAdmin') return;
if (mapvote) {
await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, 'A mapvote has already begun.');
} else {
mapvote = new MapVote(
commandMatch[1].replace('start ', '').split(', ')
{ minVoteCount: options.minVoteCount }
mapvote.on('NEW_WINNER', async results => {
await server.rcon.broadcast(
`New Map Vote Winner: ${results[0].layer.layer}. Participate in the map vote by typing "!mapvote help" in chat.`
await server.rcon.broadcast(
`A new map vote has started. Participate in the map vote by typing "!mapvote help" in chat.`
if (!mapvote) {
await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, 'A map vote has not begun.');
if (commandMatch[1] === 'restart') {
if (info.chat !== 'ChatAdmin') return;
mapvote = new MapVote(server, mapvote.squadLayerFilter, {
minVoteCount: options.minVoteCount
mapvote.on('NEW_WINNER', async results => {
await server.rcon.broadcast(
`New Map Vote Winner: ${results[0].layer}. Participate in the map vote by typing "!mapvote help" in chat.`
await server.rcon.broadcast(
`A new map vote has started. Participate in the map vote by typing "!mapvote help" in chat.`
if (commandMatch[1] === 'end') {
if (info.chat !== 'ChatAdmin') return;
const results = mapvote.getResults();
if (results.length === 0)
await server.rcon.broadcast(`No layer gained enough votes to win.`);
else await server.rcon.broadcast(`${mapvote.getResults()[0].layer.layer} won the mapvote!`);
mapvote = null;
if (commandMatch[1] === 'destroy') {
if (info.chat !== 'ChatAdmin') return;
mapvote = null;
if (commandMatch[1] === 'help') {
await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, 'To vote type the layer number into chat:');
for (const layer of mapvote.squadLayerFilter.getLayers()) {
await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, `${layer.layerNumber} - ${layer.layer}`);
if (options.minVoteCount !== null)
await server.rcon.warn(
`${options.minVoteCount} votes need to be made for a winner to be selected.`
await server.rcon.warn(
'To see current results type into chat: !mapvote results'
if (commandMatch[1] === 'results') {
const results = mapvote.getResults();
if (results.length === 0) {
await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, 'No one has voted yet.');
} else {
await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, 'The current vote counts are as follows:');
for (const result of results) {
await server.rcon.warn(
`${result.layer.layerNumber} - ${result.layer.layer} (${result.votes} vote${
result.votes > 1 ? 's' : ''