ect0s 49809169b8 Player Connection/Disconnection Flow. cleareventStore caller
pending connection destroyed: error path for clients that fail to connect, required to cleanup connection state in this error case.

client-connected: Supersedes steamid connected, use base unreal engine client flow. Removes dependancy on EAC (broken as of squad 3.4). First step in resolving a new client connection. this gets us a connection id, steamid.

client-login: 2nd step in player connected flow, this setups the steamid into eventstore.steamid-connected.

playercontroller connected: gets us player controller. used in player connected flow.

player-connected: update to use new eventStore layout, now all players should always have suffix,steamid,controller. These are now also cached within the logparser for lookup. last step in player connected flow.

player-disconnected: uses new eventStore layout, marks players in eventStore.disconnected but doesn't remove cached players till map change; may be needed in cases with delayed logs, needs further testing. Broken as of Squad 3.4 due to EAC changes

steamid-connected: Removed in favor of client-connected, no longer works as of squad 3.4 due to EAC changes.
2022-11-09 20:20:50 -05:00

117 lines
3.2 KiB

import EventEmitter from 'events';
import async from 'async';
import moment from 'moment';
import Logger from '../logger.js';
import TailLogReader from './log-readers/tail.js';
import FTPLogReader from './log-readers/ftp.js';
export default class LogParser extends EventEmitter {
constructor(filename = 'filename.log', options = {}) {
options.filename = filename;
this.eventStore = {
disconnected: {}, // holding area, cleared on map change.
players: {}, // persistent data, steamid, controller, suffix.
session: {}, // old eventstore, nonpersistent data
clients: {} // used in the connection chain before we resolve a player.
this.linesPerMinute = 0;
this.matchingLinesPerMinute = 0;
this.matchingLatency = 0;
this.parsingStatsInterval = null;
this.processLine = this.processLine.bind(this);
this.logStats = this.logStats.bind(this);
this.queue = async.queue(this.processLine);
switch (options.mode || 'tail') {
case 'tail':
this.logReader = new TailLogReader(this.queue.push, options);
case 'ftp':
this.logReader = new FTPLogReader(this.queue.push, options);
throw new Error('Invalid mode.');
async processLine(line) {
Logger.verbose('LogParser', 4, `Matching on line: ${line}`);
for (const rule of this.getRules()) {
const match = line.match(rule.regex);
if (!match) continue;
Logger.verbose('LogParser', 3, `Matched on line: ${match[0]}`);
match[1] = moment.utc(match[1], 'YYYY.MM.DD-hh.mm.ss:SSS').toDate();
match[2] = parseInt(match[2]);
rule.onMatch(match, this);
this.matchingLatency += Date.now() - match[1];
// manage cleanup disconnected players, session data.
clearEventStore() {
Logger.verbose('LogParser', 2, 'Cleaning Eventstore');
for (const player of Object.values(this.eventStore.players)) {
if (this.eventStore.disconnected[player.steamID] === true) {
Logger.verbose('LogParser', 2, `Removing ${player.steamID} from eventStore`);
delete this.eventStore.players[player.steamID];
delete this.eventStore.disconnected[player.steamID];
this.eventStore.session = {};
getRules() {
return [];
async watch() {
Logger.verbose('LogParser', 1, 'Attempting to watch log file...');
await this.logReader.watch();
Logger.verbose('LogParser', 1, 'Watching log file...');
this.parsingStatsInterval = setInterval(this.logStats, 60 * 1000);
logStats() {
`Lines parsed per minute: ${
} lines per minute | Matching lines per minute: ${
} matching lines per minute | Average matching latency: ${
this.matchingLatency / this.matchingLinesPerMinute
this.linesPerMinute = 0;
this.matchingLinesPerMinute = 0;
this.matchingLatency = 0;
async unwatch() {
await this.logReader.unwatch();