2020-07-08 22:04:10 +01:00

73 lines
2.2 KiB

import { COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE } from 'core/config';
import { RCON_CHAT_MESSAGE } from 'squad-server/events/rcon';
export default async function(server, discordClient, channelID, options = {}) {
if (!server) {
throw new Error('DiscordChatAdminRequest must be provided with a reference to the server.');
if (!discordClient) {
throw new Error('DiscordChatAdminRequest must be provided with a Discord.js client.');
if (!channelID) {
throw new Error('DiscordChatAdminRequest must be provided with a channel ID.');
const ignoreChats = options.ignoreChats || [];
const adminPrefix = options.adminPrefix || '!admin';
const pingGroups = options.pingGroups || [];
options = {
color: 16761867,
const channel = await discordClient.channels.fetch(channelID);
server.on(RCON_CHAT_MESSAGE, async info => {
if (ignoreChats.includes(info.chat)) return;
if (!info.message.startsWith(`${adminPrefix}`)) return;
const playerInfo = await server.getPlayerBySteamID(info.steamID);
const trimmedMessage = info.message.replace(adminPrefix, '').trim();
if (trimmedMessage.length === 0) {
await server.rcon.warn(info.steamID, `Please specify what you would like help with when requesting an admin.`);
content: pingGroups.length ? pingGroups.map(groupID => `<@&${groupID}>`).join(' ') : '',
embed: {
title: `${playerInfo.name} has requested admin support!`,
color: options.color,
fields: [
name: 'Player',
value: playerInfo.name,
inline: true
name: 'SteamID',
value: `[${playerInfo.steamID}](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/${info.steamID})`,
inline: true
name: 'Team & Squad',
value: `Team: ${playerInfo.teamID}, Squad: ${playerInfo.squadID || 'Unassigned'}`
name: 'Message',
value: trimmedMessage
timestamp: info.time.toISOString(),
footer: {