2023-12-12 18:49:45 +01:00

614 lines
21 KiB
Raw Blame History

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/* eslint-disable */
import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
import net from 'node:net';
import Logger from './logger.js';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
export default class Rcon extends EventEmitter {
constructor(options = {}) {
for (const option of ['host', 'port', 'password'])
if (!(option in options)) throw new Error(`${option} must be specified.`);
this.host = options.host;
this.port = options.port;
this.password = options.password;
this.client = null;
this.stream = new Buffer.alloc(0);
this.type = { auth: 0x03, command: 0x02, response: 0x00, server: 0x01 };
this.soh = { size: 7, id: 0, type: this.type.response, body: '' };
this.responseString = { id: 0, body: '' };
this.connected = false;
this.autoReconnect = false;
this.autoReconnectDelay = options.autoReconnectDelay || 1000;
this.msgIdLow = 6;
this.msgIdHigh = 16;
this.specialId = 19;
this.msgId = this.msgIdLow;
this.passThrough = options.passThrough ? true : false;
this.passThroughPort = options.passThroughPort || 8124;
this.passThroughTimeOut = options.passThroughTimeOut || 60000;
this.passThroughMaxClients = 1; //options.passThroughMaxClients || 10;
this.passThroughChallenge = options.passThroughChallenge || options.password;
this.dumpRconResponsesToFile = options.dumpRconResponsesToFile || false;
this.rconClients = {};
for (let i = 1; i <= this.passThroughMaxClients; i++) this.rconClients[`${i}`] = null;
this.ptServer = null;
this.steamIndex = { '76561198799344716': '00026e21ce3d43c792613bdbb6dec1ba' }; // example dtata
this.eosIndex = { '00026e21ce3d43c792613bdbb6dec1ba': '76561198799344716' }; // example dtata
processChatPacket(decodedPacket) {
} //
async connect() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (this.client && this.connected && !this.client.destroyed)
return reject(new Error('Rcon.connect() Rcon already connected.'));
this.on('server', (pkt) => this.processChatPacket(pkt));
this.once('auth', () => {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Connected to: ${this.host}:${this.port}`);
this.connected = true;
if (this.passThrough) this.createServer();
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Connecting to: ${this.host}:${this.port}`);
this.connectionRetry = setTimeout(() => this.connect(), this.autoReconnectDelay);
this.autoReconnect = true;
this.client = net
.createConnection({ port: this.port, host: this.host }, () => this.sendAuth())
.on('data', (data) => this.onData(data))
.on('end', () => this.onClose())
.on('error', () => this.onNetError());
}).catch((error) => {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Rcon.connect() ${error}`);
async disconnect() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Disconnecting from: ${this.host}:${this.port}`);
this.autoReconnect = false;
this.connected = false;
}).catch((error) => {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Rcon.disconnect() ${error}`);
async execute(body) {
let steamID = body.match(/\d{17}/);
if (steamID) {
steamID = steamID[0];
body = body.replace(/\d{17}/, this.steamIndex[steamID]);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!this.connected) return reject(new Error('Rcon not connected.'));
if (!this.client.writable) return reject(new Error('Unable to write to node:net socket'));
const string = String(body);
const length = Buffer.from(string).length;
if (length > 4154) Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Error occurred. Oversize, "${length}" > 4154`);
else {
const outputData = (data) => {
const timedOut = () => {
console.warn('MISSED', listenerId);
this.removeListener(listenerId, outputData);
return reject(new Error(`Rcon response timed out`));
if (this.msgId > this.msgIdHigh - 2) this.msgId = this.msgIdLow;
const listenerId = `response${this.msgId}`;
const timeOut = setTimeout(timedOut, 10000);
this.once(listenerId, outputData);
this.send(string, this.msgId);
}).catch((error) => {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Rcon.execute() ${error}`);
sendAuth() {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Sending Token to: ${this.host}:${this.port}`);
this.client.write(this.encode(this.type.auth, 0, this.password).toString('binary'), 'binary'); //2147483647
send(body, id = 99) {
this.write(this.type.command, id, body);
this.write(this.type.command, id + 2);
write(type, id, body) {
`Writing packet with type "${type}", id "${id}" and body "${body || ''}"`
this.client.write(this.encode(type, id, body).toString('binary'), 'binary');
encode(type, id, body = '') {
const size = Buffer.byteLength(body) + 14;
const buffer = new Buffer.alloc(size);
buffer.writeInt32LE(size - 4, 0);
buffer.writeInt32LE(id, 4);
buffer.writeInt32LE(type, 8);
buffer.write(body, 12, size - 2, 'utf8');
buffer.writeInt16LE(0, size - 2);
return buffer;
onData(data) {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 4, `Got data: ${this.bufToHexString(data)}`);
this.stream = Buffer.concat([this.stream, data], this.stream.byteLength + data.byteLength);
while (this.stream.byteLength >= 7) {
const packet = this.decode();
if (!packet) break;
`Processing decoded packet: Size: ${packet.size}, ID: ${packet.id}, Type: ${packet.type}, Body: ${packet.body}`
this.appendToFile(RCON_LOG_FILEPATH, packet.body);
if (packet.id > this.msgIdHigh) this.emit(`responseForward_1`, packet);
else if (packet.type === this.type.response) this.onResponse(packet);
else if (packet.type === this.type.server) this.onServer(packet);
else if (packet.type === this.type.command) this.emit('auth');
onServer(packet) {
this.emit('server', packet);
for (const client in this.rconClients)
if (this.rconClients[client]) {
this.emit(`serverForward_${this.rconClients[client].rconIdClient}`, packet.body);
decode() {
if (
this.stream[0] === 0 &&
this.stream[1] === 1 &&
this.stream[2] === 0 &&
this.stream[3] === 0 &&
this.stream[4] === 0 &&
this.stream[5] === 0 &&
this.stream[6] === 0
) {
this.stream = this.stream.subarray(7);
return this.soh;
const bufSize = this.stream.readInt32LE(0);
if (bufSize > 4154 || bufSize < 10) return this.badPacket();
else if (bufSize <= this.stream.byteLength - 4 && this.stream.byteLength >= 12) {
const bufId = this.stream.readInt32LE(4);
const bufType = this.stream.readInt32LE(8);
if (
this.stream[bufSize + 2] !== 0 ||
this.stream[bufSize + 3] !== 0 ||
bufId < 0 ||
bufType < 0 ||
bufType > 5
return this.badPacket();
else {
const response = {
size: bufSize,
id: bufId,
type: bufType,
body: this.stream.toString('utf8', 12, bufSize + 2)
this.stream = this.stream.subarray(bufSize + 4);
if (
response.body === '' &&
this.stream[0] === 0 &&
this.stream[1] === 1 &&
this.stream[2] === 0 &&
this.stream[3] === 0 &&
this.stream[4] === 0 &&
this.stream[5] === 0 &&
this.stream[6] === 0
) {
this.stream = this.stream.subarray(7);
response.body = '';
return response;
} else return null;
onResponse(packet) {
if (packet.body === '') {
this.emit(`response${this.responseString.id - 2}`, this.responseString.body);
this.responseString.body = '';
} else if (!packet.body.includes('')) {
this.responseString.body = this.responseString.body += packet.body;
this.responseString.id = packet.id;
} else this.badPacket();
badPacket() {
`Bad packet, clearing: ${this.bufToHexString(this.stream)} Pending string: ${
this.stream = Buffer.alloc(0);
this.responseString = '';
return null;
onClose() {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Socket closed`);
onNetError(error) {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `node:net error:`, error);
this.emit('RCON_ERROR', error);
cleanUp() {
this.connected = false;
if (this.autoReconnect) {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Sleeping ${this.autoReconnectDelay}ms before reconnecting`);
this.connectionRetry = setTimeout(() => this.connect(), this.autoReconnectDelay);
createServer() {
this.ptServer = net.createServer((client) => this.onNewClient(client));
this.ptServer.maxConnections = this.passThroughMaxClients;
this.ptServer.on('error', (error) => this.onSerErr(error));
this.ptServer.on('drop', () =>
`Pass-through Server: Max Clients Reached (${this.passThroughMaxClients}) rejecting new connection`
this.ptServer.listen(this.passThroughPort, () =>
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Pass-through Server: Listening on port ${this.passThroughPort}`)
closeServer() {
for (const client in this.rconClients)
if (this.rconClients[client]) this.rconClients[client].end();
if (!this.ptServer) return;
this.ptServer.close(() => this.onServerClose());
onServerClose() {
if (!this.ptServer) return;
this.ptServer = null;
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Pass-through Server: Closed`);
onNewClient(client) {
client.on('end', () => this.onClientEnd(client));
client.on('error', () => this.onClientEnd(client));
client.on('timeout', () => this.onClientTimeOut(client));
client.on('data', (data) => this.onClientData(client, data));
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Pass-through Server: Client connecting`);
onSerErr(error) {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Pass-through Server: ${error}`);
onClientEnd(client) {
if (!client.rconIdClient) return;
this.rconClients[`${client.rconIdClient}`] = null;
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Pass-through Server: Client-${client.rconIdClient} Disconnected`);
onClientTimeOut(client) {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Pass-through Server: Client-${client.rconIdClient} Timed Out`);
onClientData(client, data) {
if (!client.rconStream) client.rconStream = new Buffer.alloc(0);
client.rconStream = Buffer.concat(
[client.rconStream, data],
client.rconStream.byteLength + data.byteLength
while (client.rconStream.byteLength >= 4) {
const packet = this.decodeClient(client);
if (!packet) break;
if (!client.rconHasAuthed) this.authClient(client, packet);
else {
if (!client.rconWheel || client.rconWheel > 20) client.rconWheel = 0;
else client.rconWheel++;
client.rconIdQueueNEW[`${client.rconWheel}`] = packet.id;
const encoded = this.encode(
this.specialId + client.rconWheel,
); ////////////////////////////////////////////////
this.client.write(encoded.toString('binary'), 'binary');
// this.client.write(this.encode(packet.type, this.specialId * client.rconIdClient).toString("binary"), "binary")
decodeClient(client) {
const bufSize = client.rconStream.readInt32LE(0);
if (bufSize <= client.rconStream.byteLength - 4) {
const response = {
size: bufSize,
id: client.rconStream.readInt32LE(4),
type: client.rconStream.readInt32LE(8),
body: client.rconStream.toString('utf8', 12, bufSize + 2)
client.rconStream = client.rconStream.subarray(bufSize + 4);
return response;
} else return null;
authClient(client, packet) {
if (packet.body !== this.passThroughChallenge) {
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Pass-through Server: Client [Rejected] Password not matched`);
} else {
client.rconHasAuthed = true;
client.rconIdQueueNEW = {};
for (let i = 1; i <= this.passThroughMaxClients; i++) {
if (this.rconClients[`${i}`] === null) {
client.rconIdClient = i;
this.rconClients[`${i}`] = client;
this.on(`serverForward_${client.rconIdClient}`, (body) =>
client.write(this.encode(1, 0, this.eosToSteam(body)).toString('binary'), 'binary')
this.on(`responseForward_${client.rconIdClient}`, (packet) => this.onForward(client, packet));
client.write(this.encode(0, packet.id));
client.write(this.encode(2, packet.id));
Logger.verbose('RCON', 1, `Pass-through Server: Client-${client.rconIdClient} Connected`);
onForward(client, packet) {
if (packet.body !== '' && packet.body !== '') {
const int = packet.id - this.specialId;
this.encode(packet.type, client.rconIdQueueNEW[int], this.eosToSteam(packet.body)).toString(
} else if (packet.body != '') {
const int = packet.id - this.specialId;
client.write(this.encode(0, client.rconIdQueueNEW[int]).toString('binary'), 'binary');
client.write(this.encodeSpecial(client.rconIdQueueNEW[int]).toString('binary'), 'binary');
encodeSpecial(id) {
const buffer = new Buffer.alloc(21);
buffer.writeInt32LE(10, 0);
buffer.writeInt32LE(id, 4);
buffer.writeInt32LE(0, 8);
buffer.writeInt32LE(1, 15);
return buffer;
bufToHexString(buf) {
return buf.toString('hex').match(/../g).join(' ');
async warn(steamID, message) {
this.execute(`AdminWarn "${steamID}" ${message}`);
async kick(steamID, reason) {
this.execute(`AdminKick "${steamID}" ${reason}`);
async forceTeamChange(steamID) {
this.execute(`AdminForceTeamChange "${steamID}"`);
addIds(steamId, eosId) {
this.steamIndex[steamId] = eosId; // { "76561198799344716": "00026e21ce3d43c792613bdbb6dec1ba" };
this.eosIndex[eosId] = steamId;
removeIds(eosId) {
// clean up ids on leave
steamToEosClient(body) {
//assume client does not send more than 1 steamId per msg
const m = body.match(/[0-9]{17}/);
if (m && m[1] in this.steamIndex) return body.replaceAll(`${m[0]}`, this.steamIndex[m[0]]);
return body;
eosToSteam(body) {
//split body to lines for matching (1 steamId per line)
const lines = body.split('\n');
const nBody = [];
for (let line of lines) nBody.push(this.matchRcon(line));
return nBody.join('\n');
matchRcon(line) {
for (const r of defs) {
const match = line.match(r.regex);
if (match && (match.groups.eosId in this.eosIndex || match.groups.steamId)) {
return r.rep(
match.groups.steamId || this.eosIndex[match.groups.eosId],
return line;
appendToFile(filePath, content) {
if (!this.dumpRconResponsesToFile) return;
const dir = path.dirname(filePath);
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true });
fs.appendFile(filePath, content + '\n', (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
rotateLogFile(logFile) {
if (!this.dumpRconResponsesToFile) return;
if (fs.existsSync(logFile)) {
const ext = path.extname(logFile);
const base = path.basename(logFile, ext);
const dir = path.dirname(logFile);
const timestamp = new Date().toISOString().replace(/[:.]/g, '-');
const newFile = path.join(dir, `${base}_${timestamp}${ext}`);
fs.renameSync(logFile, newFile);
const defs = [
//strict matching to avoid 'name as steamId errors'
/^ID: [0-9]+ \| Online IDs: EOS: (?<eosId>[0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (?<steamId>\d{17}) \| Name: .+ \| Team ID: (1|2|N\/A) \| Squad ID: ([0-9]+|N\/A) \| Is Leader: (True|False|N\/A) \| Role: .+$/,
rep: (line, steamId, eosId) => {
return line.replace(
/\| Online IDs: EOS: [\w\d]{32} steam: \d{17} \|/,
`| SteamID: ${steamId} |`
/^ID: (?<Id>[0-9]+) \| Online IDs: EOS: (?<eosId>[0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (?<steamId>\d{17}) \| Since Disconnect: (?<SinceDc>.+) \| Name: (?<name>.+)$/,
rep: (line, steamId, eosId) => {
return line.replace(
/Online IDs: EOS: (?<eosId>[0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (?<steamId>\d{17})/,
`SteamID: ${steamId}`
/^ID: (?<sqdId>[0-9]+) \| Name: (?<sqdName>.+) \| Size: (?<sqdSize>[0-9]) \| Locked: (?<locked>True|False) \| Creator Name: (?<creatorName>.+) \| Creator Online IDs: EOS: (?<eosID>[\d\w]{32}) steam: (?<steamId>\d{17})/,
rep: (line, steamId, eosId) => {
console.log(line, steamId, eosId);
const ret = line.replace(
/\| Creator Online IDs: EOS: [\w\d]{32} steam: \d{17}/,
`| Creator Steam ID: ${steamId}`
return ret;
/^Forced team change for player (?<id>[0-9]+). \[Online IDs= EOS: (?<eosId>[0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (?<steamId>\d{17})] (.+)/,
rep: (line, steamId, eosId) => {
return line.replace(
/Online IDs= EOS: (?<eosId>[0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (?<steamId>\d{17})/,
regex: /^Could not find player (?<eosId>[0-9a-f]{32})/,
rep: (line, steamId, eosId) => {
return line.replace(`Could not find player ${eosId}`, `Could not find player ${steamId}`);
/^\[Chat(All|Team|Squad|Admin)] \[Online IDs:EOS: (?<eosId>[\d\w]{32}) steam: (?<steamId>\d{17})] (?<name>.+) : (?<msg>.+)/,
rep: (line, steamId, eosId) => {
return line.replace(/Online IDs:EOS: [\d\w]{32} steam: \d{17}/, `SteamID:${steamId}`);
/^(?<name>.+) \(Online IDs: EOS: (?<eosId>[0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (?<steamId>\d+)\) has created Squad (?<squadNum>[0-9]+) \(Squad Name: (?<squadName>.+)\) on (?<teamName>.+)/,
rep: (line, steamId, eosId) => {
return line.replace(
/Online IDs: EOS: (?<eosId>[0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (?<steamId>\d+)/,
`Steam ID: ${steamId}`
/^Kicked player (?<Id>[0-9]+). \[Online IDs= EOS: (?<eosId>[0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (?<steamId>\d{17})] (?<name>.+)/,
rep: (line, steamId, eosId) => {
return line.replace(
/Online IDs= EOS: (?<eosId>[0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (?<steamId>\d{17})/,
regex: /^ERROR: Unable to find player with name or id \((?<eosId>[0-9a-f]{32})\)$/,
rep: (line, steamId, eosId) => {
return line.replace(`name or id (${eosId})`, `name or id (${steamId})`);
/^\[Online I(d|D)s:EOS: (?<eosId>[0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (?<steamId>)\d{17}] (?<name>.+) has (un)?possessed admin camera\./,
rep: (line, steamId, eosId) => {
return line.replace(/Online I(d|D)s:EOS: [\w\d]{32} steam: \d{17}/, `SteamID:${steamId}`);
//////////////////////////////////////////////////ALL BELOW IS FOR STANDALONE TESTING/RUNNING
// const Logger = {
// level: 1,
// verbose(type, lvl, msg, msg1 = "") {
// if (lvl > this.level) return;
// console.log(type, lvl, msg, msg1);
// },
// };
// const squadJsStyle = async () => {
// const getCurrentMap = async () => {
// const response = await rcon.execute("ShowCurrentMap");
// const match = response.match(/^Current level is (?<level>.+), layer is (?<layer>.+)/);
// if (!match) {
// debugger
// }
// return [match.groups.level, match.groups.layer];
// };
// const rcon = new Rcon({ port: "port", host: "ip", password: "password", passThrough: true, passThroughPort: "8124", passThroughTimeOut: 30000, passThroughChallenge: "password" }); //
// try {
// await rcon.connect();
// } catch (e) {
// console.warn(e);
// }
// rcon.interval = setInterval(async () => {
// try {
// const currentMap = await getCurrentMap();
// console.log(currentMap);
// } catch (e) {
// console.warn(e);
// }
// }, 5000);
// };
// squadJsStyle();