2023-12-14 22:08:20 +01:00

224 lines
6.4 KiB

import Logger from 'core/logger';
import Rcon from 'core/rcon';
export default class SquadRcon extends Rcon {
processChatPacket(decodedPacket) {
const matchChat = decodedPacket.body.match(
/\[(ChatAll|ChatTeam|ChatSquad|ChatAdmin)] \[Online IDs:EOS: ([0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (\d{17})\] (.+?) : (.*)/
if (matchChat) {
Logger.verbose('SquadRcon', 2, `Matched chat message: ${decodedPacket.body}`);
this.emit('CHAT_MESSAGE', {
raw: decodedPacket.body,
chat: matchChat[1],
eosID: matchChat[2],
steamID: matchChat[3],
name: matchChat[4],
message: matchChat[5],
time: new Date()
const matchPossessedAdminCam = decodedPacket.body.match(
/\[Online Ids:EOS: ([0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (\d{17})\] (.+) has possessed admin camera\./
if (matchPossessedAdminCam) {
Logger.verbose('SquadRcon', 2, `Matched admin camera possessed: ${decodedPacket.body}`);
raw: decodedPacket.body,
steamID: matchPossessedAdminCam[2],
name: matchPossessedAdminCam[3],
time: new Date()
const matchUnpossessedAdminCam = decodedPacket.body.match(
/\[Online IDs:EOS: ([0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (\d{17})\] (.+) has unpossessed admin camera\./
if (matchUnpossessedAdminCam) {
Logger.verbose('SquadRcon', 2, `Matched admin camera possessed: ${decodedPacket.body}`);
raw: decodedPacket.body,
steamID: matchUnpossessedAdminCam[2],
name: matchUnpossessedAdminCam[3],
time: new Date()
const matchWarn = decodedPacket.body.match(
/Remote admin has warned player (.*)\. Message was "(.*)"/
if (matchWarn) {
Logger.verbose('SquadRcon', 2, `Matched warn message: ${decodedPacket.body}`);
this.emit('PLAYER_WARNED', {
raw: decodedPacket.body,
name: matchWarn[1],
reason: matchWarn[2],
time: new Date()
const matchKick = decodedPacket.body.match(
/Kicked player ([0-9]+)\. \[Online IDs= EOS: ([0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (\d{17})] (.*)/
if (matchKick) {
Logger.verbose('SquadRcon', 2, `Matched kick message: ${decodedPacket.body}`);
this.emit('PLAYER_KICKED', {
raw: decodedPacket.body,
playerID: matchKick[1],
steamID: matchKick[3],
name: matchKick[4],
time: new Date()
const matchSqCreated = decodedPacket.body.match(
/(.+) \(Online IDs: EOS: ([0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (\d{17})\) has created Squad (\d+) \(Squad Name: (.+)\) on (.+)/
if (matchSqCreated) {
Logger.verbose('SquadRcon', 2, `Matched Squad Created: ${decodedPacket.body}`);
this.emit('SQUAD_CREATED', {
time: new Date(),
playerName: matchSqCreated[1],
playerSteamID: matchSqCreated[3],
squadID: matchSqCreated[4],
squadName: matchSqCreated[5],
teamName: matchSqCreated[6]
const matchBan = decodedPacket.body.match(
/Banned player ([0-9]+)\. \[steamid=(.*?)\] (.*) for interval (.*)/
if (matchBan) {
Logger.verbose('SquadRcon', 2, `Matched ban message: ${decodedPacket.body}`);
this.emit('PLAYER_BANNED', {
raw: decodedPacket.body,
playerID: matchBan[1],
steamID: matchBan[2],
name: matchBan[3],
interval: matchBan[4],
time: new Date()
async getCurrentMap() {
const response = await this.execute('ShowCurrentMap');
const match = response.match(/^Current level is (.*), layer is (.*)/);
return { level: match[1], layer: match[2] };
async getNextMap() {
const response = await this.execute('ShowNextMap');
const match = response.match(/^Next level is (.*), layer is (.*)/);
return {
level: match[1] !== '' ? match[1] : null,
layer: match[2] !== 'To be voted' ? match[2] : null
async getListPlayers(server) {
const response = await this.execute('ListPlayers');
const players = [];
if (!response || response.length < 1) return players;
for (const line of response.split('\n')) {
const match = line.match(
/ID: ([0-9]+) \| Online IDs: EOS: ([0-9a-f]{32}) steam: (\d{17}) \| Name: (.+) \| Team ID: ([0-9]+) \| Squad ID: ([0-9]+|N\/A) \| Is Leader: (True|False) \| Role: ([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\b/
if (!match) continue;
if (server && server.rcon) server.rcon.addIds(match[3], match[2]);
playerID: match[1],
EOSID: match[2],
steamID: match[3],
name: match[4],
teamID: match[5],
squadID: match[6] !== 'N/A' ? match[5] : null,
isLeader: match[7] === 'True',
role: match[8]
return players;
async getSquads() {
const responseSquad = await this.execute('ListSquads');
const squads = [];
let teamName;
let teamID;
if (!responseSquad || responseSquad.length < 1) return squads;
for (const line of responseSquad.split('\n')) {
const match = line.match(
/ID: (\d+) \| Name: (.+) \| Size: (\d+) \| Locked: (True|False) \| Creator Name: (.+) \| Creator Online IDs: EOS: ([\d\w]{32}) steam: (\d{17})/
const matchSide = line.match(/Team ID: (\d) \((.+)\)/);
if (matchSide) {
teamID = matchSide[1];
teamName = matchSide[2];
if (!match) continue;
squadID: match[1],
squadName: match[2],
size: match[3],
locked: match[4],
creatorName: match[5],
creatorEOSID: match[6],
creatorSteamID: match[7],
teamID: teamID,
teamName: teamName
return squads;
async broadcast(message) {
await this.execute(`AdminBroadcast ${message}`);
async setFogOfWar(mode) {
await this.execute(`AdminSetFogOfWar ${mode}`);
async warn(steamID, message) {
await this.execute(`AdminWarn "${steamID}" ${message}`);
// 0 = Perm | 1m = 1 minute | 1d = 1 Day | 1M = 1 Month | etc...
async ban(steamID, banLength, message) {
await this.execute(`AdminBan "${steamID}" ${banLength} ${message}`);
async switchTeam(steamID) {
await this.execute(`AdminForceTeamChange "${steamID}"`);