// {{ ansible_managed }} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Valid access levels are as follows //// startvote - not used //// changemap //// pause - Pause server gameplay //// cheat - Use server cheat commands //// private - Password protect server //// balance - Group Ignores server team balance //// chat - Admin chat and Server broadcast //// kick //// ban //// config - Change server config //// cameraman - Admin spectate mode //// immune - Cannot be kicked / banned //// manageserver - Shutdown server //// featuretest - Any features added for testing by dev team //// reserve - Reserve slot //// demos - Record Demos on the server side via admin commands //// clientdemos - Record Demos on the client side via commands or the replay UI. //// debug - show admin stats command and other debugging info //// teamchange - No timer limits on team change //// forceteamchange - Can issue the ForceTeamChange command //// canseeadminchat - This group can see the admin chat and teamkill/admin-join notifications ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The Format for adding groups is: // Group=:,, // // For example: // Group=MyGroup: pause, demos, changemap // // The groups below are the defaults, add to or change them as needed: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {% for group in server.groups %} Group={{ group.name }}:{{ group.permissions | join(',') }} {% endfor %} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The format for adding admins is: // Admin=: // // For example: // Admin=123456:Admin // Adam the admin // Admin=654321:Moderator // Molly the moderator // // Add your own below: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {% for group in server.groups %} // === {{ group.name }} === {% for member in group.members | default([]) %} Admin={{ member.steam64 }}:{{ group.name }} // {{ member.name }} - {{ member.comment | default('') }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}