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Fight only over the middle flags! No FOB Hunting!", "liveEnabled": true, "liveThreshold": 52, "liveMessage": "Live!", "waitOnNewGames": true, "waitTimeOnNewGame": 30 }, { "plugin": "SocketIOAPI", "enabled": false, "websocketPort": "", "securityToken": "" }, { "plugin": "TeamRandomizer", "enabled": true, "command": "randomize" }, { "plugin": "SquadNameValidator", "enabled": true, "discordClient": "discord", "channelID": "1066978080364707880", "warningMessage": "Your squad has been disbanded due to a non-compliant name.", "rules": [ { "description": "Disband every ARMOR/ARMOUR/VIC/VEHICLE and other variants", "type": "regex", "logic": "match=disband", "rule": "/(a ?r ?m ?(?:o|e)? ?u? ?r)|(v ?i ?c)|(v ?e ?h ?i ?c ?l ?e)/", "warningMessage": "R9 | ARMOR/VIC/VEHICLE are not valid claims!" } ] }, { "plugin": "MapVote", "enabled": true, "discordClient": "discord", "entriesAmount": 6, "entryFormat": "{map_name} {gamemode} {map_version} {factions}", "automaticVoteStart": true, "votingDuration": 25, "minPlayersForVote": 30, "voteWaitTimeFromMatchStart": 20, "voteBroadcastInterval": 10, "numberRecentMapsToExlude": 4, "automaticSeedingMode": false, "gamemodeWhitelist": [ "RAAS", "Invasion" ], "layerFilteringMode": "blacklist", "layerLevelBlacklist": [ "FoolsRoad", "Kamdesh", "Lashkar", "Logar", "Mestia", "Sumari" ], "layerLevelWhitelist": [ "Yeho", "Gorodok", "Mutaha", "Narva", "Tallil" ], "applyBlacklistToWhitelist": true, "factionsBlacklist": [ "CAF", "INS" ], "minRaasEntries": 3, "hideVotesCount": false, "showRerollOption": false, "showRerollOptionInCustomVotes": false, "voteBroadcastMessage": "MAPVOTE\nVote for the next map by writing in chat the corresponding number!", "voteWinnerBroadcastMessage": "MAPVOTE\nThe winning layer is\n", "showWinnerBroadcastMessage": true, "allowedSameMapEntries": 2, "logToDiscord": true, "channelID": "1087437388294406334", "persistentDataFile": "/home/squadjs/data/mapvotepdata.data", "timezone": -4, "minimumVotesToAcceptResult": 1, "instantSeedingModePlayerCount": 5, "nextLayerSeedingModePlayerCount": 20, "seedingGameMode": "Seed", "timeFrames": [ { "name": "follow layer rotation list", "start": "12:00", "end": "00:00", "overrides": { "automaticVoteStart": false } }, { "start": "00:00", "end": "12:00", "overrides": { "voteBroadcastMessage": "Late night games? Vote your favourite map!" } } ] } ], "logger": { "verboseness": { "SquadServer": 0, "LogParser": 0, "RCON": 3 }, "colors": { "SquadServer": "yellowBright", "SquadServerFactory": "yellowBright", "LogParser": "blueBright", "RCON": "redBright" } } }