# v3.0 LEVEL ROTATION : These must be Level ID's, which are different from UI display names ! // NOTE: this file is used for servers running in MapRotationMode=LevelList, running in order, or for servers running in MapRotationMode=LevelList_Randomized, where the below layers are rotated randomly. This setting can be found in your Server.cfg file (make sure to use a fresh one as your basis). // NOTE: in-line comments will not work in this config until further notice. Comment lines should be in separate lines, if used. AlBasrah Anvil Belaya BlackCoast Chora Fallujah FoolsRoad GooseBay Gorodok Kamdesh Kohat Kokan Lashkar Logar Manic-5 Mestia Mutaha Narva Skorpo Sumari Tallil Yehorivka