# v3.0 EXCLUDED LEVEL LIST : This must use the Level Id : this is different from UI display names ! // NOTE: This file is used for servers running with Levels voting. // This setting can be found in your Server.cfg file (make sure to use a fresh one as your basis). // NOTE: in-line comments will not work in this config until further notice. Comment lines should be in separate lines, if used. TutorialInfantry TutorialHelicopter // JensensRange PacificProvingGrounds // AlBasrah // Anvil // Belaya // BlackCoast // Chora // Fallujah // FoolsRoad // GooseBay // Gorodok // Kamdesh // Kohat // Kokan // Lashkar // Logar // Manic-5 // Mestia // Mutaha // Narva // Skorpo // Sumari // Tallil // Yehorivka