# Here you can control mod-specific server settings. Mods can use blueprint node "GetCustomServerSetting" to gather the contents of this file. # This section used to exist in server.cfg // Amount of players needed to start Pre-Live countdown, integer. Default=50. #SeedPlayersThreshold=50 // After reaching the SeedPlayersThreshold, if some players disconnect but the current player count stays at or above this value, don’t stop the // Pre-Live countdown, integer. Should be greater than zero and less than SeedPlayersThreshold to be considered enabled. default=45. #SeedMinimumPlayersToLive=45 // Match length in seconds, integer. Default=21600 (6 hours) #SeedMatchLengthSeconds=21600 // Enable or Disable availability of all kits during seeding phase, boolean (valid values are 0 and 1), default=1 #SeedAllKitsAvailable=1 // Initial number of tickets for both teams, integer. Default=100 #SeedInitialTickets=100 // Length of the pre-live countdown, float. Default=60.0 #SeedSecondsBeforeLive=60.0 // All default values listed above will be used if the corresponding setting is not present on config file or commented out.