// {{ ansible_managed }} ServerName="{{ server.name }}" {% if server.secrets.server_password is defined and server.secrets.server_password != '' %} ServerPassword="{{ server.secrets.server_password}}" {% endif %} // Control visibility in the server browser ShouldAdvertise="true" // Set the server to LAN mode IsLANMatch="false" // Max player count on the server MaxPlayers="{{ server.max_players | default(100) }}" // Number of reserved slots for admins / members NumReservedSlots="2" // Size of the server queuing, for regular user PublicQueueLimit="25" Tags=language_en mode_raas mode_invasion playstyle_relaxed exp_newplayer maprot_voting Rules=rule_vehicle_name_claim rule_no_main_camping rule_no_soloing_vehicle rule_lock_restrictions rule_play_objective // Map rotation mode: it can be // LevelList(use order in level rotation config file) // LayerList (use order in layer rotation config file) // or // LevelList_Randomized // LayerList_Randomized // which are randomized version of previous options MapRotationMode="LayerList" // Should the Map/Layer rotations list be randomized at start? DO NOT USE, MODDED WILL NOT WORK RandomizeAtStart="false" // Should Faction be voted for on generic layers? Randomized if false. UseVoteFactions="false" // Should next Map be voted for at end of round? UseVoteLevel="false" // Should next Layer be voted for at end of round? UseVoteLayer="false" // Completly Allow or Disallow Team change to all players. Only user with Level_Balance access level can bypass this flag AllowTeamChanges="true" // If set to false, players can change teams regardless of team balance. Otherwise, the NumPlayersDiffForTeamChanges Value is used PreventTeamChangeIfUnbalanced="true" // Maximum Allowed difference in player count between teams. This takes into account the team the player leaves and the team the player joins NumPlayersDiffForTeamChanges="2" RejoinSquadDelayAfterKick="180" RecordDemos="true" // Whether public clients are allowed to record. // If you do not want public clients to record, but you do want to allow certain ones to, you can give the admin access level "ClientDemos". // There is a difference between "ClientDemos" and "Demos". "Demos" allows access to server commands for recording server-sided demos, while "ClientDemos" only allows clientside demos (no admin commands) AllowPublicClientsToRecord="false" ServerMessageInterval="1200" // Forces the server to do non-seamless travel (disconnect when changing maps) every X seconds ForceNonSeamlessTravelIntervalSeconds=604800 // The following are required for Licensed servers, but can be changed for non-licensed servers TKAutoKickEnabled="True" AutoTKBanNumberTKs="7" AutoTKBanTime="3600" VehicleKitRequirementDisabled="false" AllowCommunityAdminAccess="true" // Only Offworld Industries developers are admins AllowDevProfiling="true" AllowQA="true" // The below commands are optional for all servers VehicleClaimingDisabled="false"