# Chapter 18 - The Renaissance Through the Baroque - Classical Greek & Roman art influenced Donatello - Donatello was the first to do a life-sized nude since ancient times - The first monumental painting/representation of a nude goddess is *The Birth of Venus* - **Sfumato** means smoke-filled, hazy, cloudy atmosphere - *Mona Lisa* is painted with this method - **Mannerism** was a style based on "intervention" and the technical virtuosity of the artist - Michaelangelo's *Last Judgement* influences mannerism - Characteristics of mannerism is artificial invention, technical imagination, and highly individualistic - El Greco is the one mannerist artist that is considered a great artist - **Baroque** is theatrical and dramatic - The Baroque was believed to have been created by the papacy - Kinkade is known as the painter of light (his signature)