Price Hiller f7568438ef [ Nano ] Added nano dot files and relevant syntax files
In the horrible scenario in which neovim or vim are not available on a
system I use (and yeah, I found one recently wtf), nano is a simple
alternative that gets the job done... these files are for my comfort IN
nano but not optimal. 😞
2022-01-21 05:34:52 -06:00

19 lines
642 B

syntax "Haml" "\.haml$"
color cyan "-|="
color white "->|=>"
icolor cyan "([ ]|^)%[0-9A-Z_]+\>"
icolor magenta ":[0-9A-Z_]+\>"
icolor yellow "\.[A-Z_]+\>"
## Double quote & single quote
color green ""([^"]|(\\"))*"" "%[QW]?\{[^}]*\}" "%[QW]?\([^)]*\)" "%[QW]?<[^>]*>" "%[QW]?\$[^$]*\$" "%[QW]?\^[^^]*\^" "%[QW]?![^!]*!"
color green "'([^']|(\\'))*'" "%[qw]\{[^}]*\}" "%[qw]\([^)]*\)" "%[qw]<[^>]*>" "%[qw]\[[^]]*\]" "%[qw]\$[^$]*\$" "%[qw]\^[^^]*\^" "%[qw]![^!]*!"
## Vars
color brightgreen "#\{[^}]*\}"
color brightblue "(@|@@)[0-9A-Z_a-z]+"
## Comments
color brightcyan "#[^{].*$" "#$"
## Trailing spaces
color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"