Price Hiller f7568438ef [ Nano ] Added nano dot files and relevant syntax files
In the horrible scenario in which neovim or vim are not available on a
system I use (and yeah, I found one recently wtf), nano is a simple
alternative that gets the job done... these files are for my comfort IN
nano but not optimal. 😞
2022-01-21 05:34:52 -06:00

85 lines
4.7 KiB

## (System)Verilog syntax highlighting.
# See
# From bc2635d9c8dcf6a71e834582501546fac6bdbfff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
# From: Ben Rosser <>
# Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 17:43:15 -0400
# Subject: [PATCH] Add Verilog nanorc file for syntax highlighting
# This adds a verilog.nanorc file for syntax highlighting of Verilog
# and SystemVerilog code. It is based off of the nanorc files for
# Python and C.
# All keywords in both Verilog (*.v, *.vh) and SystemVerilog (*.sv,
# *.svh) are listed. Compiler directives (commands beginning with a
# backtick) and builtin functions are also colorized.
# Possibly the color scheme could use some work, but this is at least
# a starting point. I based verilog.nanorc off of c.nanorc and
# python.nanorc.
syntax "verilog" "\.(v|vh|sv|svh)$"
# I don't think we want this.
#color brightred "\<[A-Z_][0-9A-Z_]+\>"
# Module, package, etc. definitions: colorize their names.
# (I'm not sure if brightred is a good color).
icolor brightred "(module|package|task|interface|program|class) [0-9A-Z_]+"
icolor brightred "function [0-9A-Z_]+ [0-9A-Z_]+"
# Verilog keywords, taken from
color green "\<(always|and|assign|automatic|begin|buf|bufif0|bufif1|case|casex|casez|cell|class|cmos|config)\>"
color green "\<(deassign|default|defparam|design|disable|edge|else|end|endcase|endconfig|endfunction|endgenerate)\>"
color green "\<(endmodule|endprimitive|endspecify|endtable|endtask|event|for|force|forever|fork|function|generate)\>"
color green "\<(genvar|highz0|highz1|if|iff|ifnone|incdir|include|initial|inout|input|instance|integer|join)\>"
color green "\<(large|liblist|library|localparam|macromodule|medium|module|nand|negedge|nmos|nor|noshowcancelled)\>"
color green "\<(not|notif0|notif1|null|or|output|parameter|pmos|posedge|primitive|pull0|pull1|pulldown|pullup)\>"
color green "\<(pulsestyle_onevent|pulsestyle_ondetect|rcmos|real|realtime|reg|release|repeat|rnmos|rpmos|rtran)\>"
color green "\<(rtranif0|rtranif1|scalared|showcancelled|signed|small|specify|specparam|strong0|strong1|supply0)\>"
color green "\<(supply1|table|task|time|tran|tranif0|tranif1|tri|tri0|tri1|triand|trior|trireg|unsigned|use|uwire)\>"
color green "\<(vectored|wait|wand|weak0|weak1|while|wire|wor|xnor|xor)\>"
# System Verilog keywords, taken from same source.
color green "\<(alias|always_comb|always_ff|always_latch|assert|assume|before|bind|bins|binsof|bit|break|byte)\>"
color green "\<(chandle|clocking|const|constraint|context|continue|cover|covergroup|coverpoint|cross|dist|do)\>"
color green "\<(endclass|endclocking|endgroup|endinterface|endpackage|endprogram|endproperty|endsequence|enum)\>"
color green "\<(expect|export|extends|extern|final|first_match|foreach|forkjoin|ignore_bins|illegal_bins|import)\>"
color green "\<(inside|int|interface|intersect|join_any|join_none|local|logic|longint|matches|modport|new|package)\>"
color green "\<(packed|priority|program|property|protected|pure|rand|randc|randcase|randsequence|ref|return)\>"
color green "\<(sequence|shortint|shortreal|solve|static|string|struct|super|tagged|this|throughout|timeprecision)\>"
color green "\<(timeunit|type|typedef|union|unique|var|virtual|void|wait_order|wildcard|with|within)\>"
# We need to go through these and decide if everything should be the same color, and remove extra things from C.
# I don't think this is wanted.
#color green "\<((s?size)|((u_?)?int(8|16|32|64|ptr)))_t\>"
# Builtin function names (e.g. $display).
icolor cyan "\$[0-9A-Z_]+"
# Macros. Here are some of the standard ones, as per
#color cyan "^[[:space:]]*`[[:space:]]*(define|include(_next)?|timescale|(un|ifn?)def|endif|el(sif|se)|if|resetall)"
#color cyan "^[[:space:]]*`[[:space:]]*(celldefine|endcelldefine|default_nettype|unconnected_drive|nounconnected_drive)"
# This isn't complete and it may be better to just colorize `(string), like so:
icolor cyan "^[[:space:]]*`[0-9A-Z_]+"
# I'm not sure what this line does... it was in c.nanorc.
#color brightmagenta "'([^'\]|(\\["'abfnrtv\\]))'" "'\\(([0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}))'" "'\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2}'"
# Strings. In general you will want your strings and comments to come last,
# because highlighting rules are applied in the order they are read in.
color brightyellow ""([^"]|\\")*"" "<[^[:blank:]=]*>"
# Multiline strings. This regex is VERY resource intensive,
# and sometimes colours things that shouldn't be coloured.
###color brightyellow start=""(\\.|[^"])*\\[[:space:]]*$" end="^(\\.|[^"])*""
# Comments.
color brightblue "^\s*//.*"
color brightblue start="/\*" end="\*/"
# Reminders.
color ,yellow "\<(FIXME|TODO|XXX)\>"
# Trailing whitespace.
color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"