* Price Hiller's Dots This is a mirror from my Git server over [[https://git.orion-technologies.io/Price/dots][here]]. These are my dot files. All the actual dots can be found under ~dots/~. I've gone pretty far to break things up and make my dots as easy as possible to install for a new system. Currently I'm rolling non-NixOS Linux, so some things are a bit /weird/. I set up my system using _Ansible_ over [[https://git.orion-technologies.io/Ansible/Dot_Files][here]]. In the future I intend to move my personal computer to NixOS. In the past I was running on a Mac, so you may find some Mac specific things (especially in my ~zsh~) config. For the record, feel free to take what you want. I'm not worried about getting contribution for dot files. They're largely just for fun, not something important. 🙂 * Using the Dots from Nix I have included a ~install.bash~ script at the top level of this repository. I did this because I don't like storing my ~home-manager~ config under ~$HOME/.config/home-manager~ and prefer to keep it under ~$HOME/.dot_files~. As such, the ~install.bash~ script wraps up the logic for running the flake outside of the default path ~home-manager~ expects. * TODO Various Tasks to get done [0/2] - [ ] Clean up and better modularize the config - Currently a large portion of this config lives in ~config/default.nix~ which, while ok for now, will get out of hand down the road - [ ] Implement automation to autoformat various paths - Looking through the commit history I have semi-regular ~style~ commits for formatting. - Would be good to add a global git hook on the client side for pre push validation - Would also be good to get a CI runner up that validates on the server side