layerFilteringMode supports blacklist/whitelist

This commit is contained in:
Davide Fantino 2022-09-21 16:43:37 +02:00
parent b20d45baeb
commit b407db8ee7
2 changed files with 26 additions and 91 deletions

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@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ Array of timeframes that allows to override options based on local time. See exa
"automaticSeedingMode": true,
"gamemodeWhitelist": [ "AAS", "RAAS", "Invasion" ],
"layerLevelBlacklist": [ "BlackCoast_Seed" ],
"layerLevelWhitelist": [ "Yeho", "Gorodok", "Mutaha", "Narva", "Tallil" ],
"hideVotesCount": false,
"showRerollOption": false,
"voteBroadcastMessage": "✯ MAPVOTE ✯ Vote for the next map by writing in chat the corresponding number!",

View File

@ -65,6 +65,16 @@ export default class MapVote extends DiscordBasePlugin {
description: 'random layer list will be generated with only selected gamemodes',
default: [ "AAS", "RAAS", "INVASION" ]
layerFilteringMode: {
required: false,
description: "Select Whitelist mode or Blacklist mode",
default: "blacklist"
layerLevelWhitelist: {
required: false,
description: 'random layer list will not include the blacklisted layers or levels. (acceptable formats: Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS/Gorodok_AAS_v1)',
default: []
layerLevelBlacklist: {
required: false,
description: 'random layer list will not include the blacklisted layers or levels. (acceptable formats: Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS/Gorodok_AAS_v1)',
@ -189,7 +199,7 @@ export default class MapVote extends DiscordBasePlugin {
const utcDelay = parseFloat(this.options.timezone);
const timeNow = new Date(0, 0, 0, new Date().getUTCHours() + utcDelay, new Date().getUTCMinutes());
this.verbose(1, `Current time (UTC+${utcDelay}) ${timeNow.toLocaleTimeString().split(':').splice(0, 2).join(':')}`)
const activeTimeframes = orOpt.timeFrames.filter(tfFilter);
let logTimeframe = "Active Time Frames: ";
let activeTfIds = [];
@ -214,90 +224,6 @@ export default class MapVote extends DiscordBasePlugin {
return (tfStart <= timeNow && timeNow < tfEnd) || (tfStart > tfEnd && ((tfStart <= timeNow && timeNow < tfEnd2) || (tfStart2 <= timeNow && timeNow < tfEnd)))
async checkUpdates(callback) {
const versionN = "1.0.0"
let releasesUrl = "";
let curDate = new Date();
console.log("Current version: ", versionN, "\n > Checking for updates", curDate.toLocaleString());
.then(res => {
const gitResData =[ 0 ];
const checkV = gitResData.tag_name.toUpperCase().replace("V", "").split(".");
const versionSplit = versionN.toString().split(".");
const config_authorized_update = true;//((config.other.install_beta_versions && gitResData.prerelease) || !gitResData.prerelease);
const major_version_update = (parseInt(versionSplit[ 0 ]) < parseInt(checkV[ 0 ]));
const minor_version_update = (parseInt(versionSplit[ 0 ]) <= parseInt(checkV[ 0 ]) && parseInt(versionSplit[ 1 ]) < parseInt(checkV[ 1 ]));
const patch_version_update = (parseInt(versionSplit[ 0 ]) <= parseInt(checkV[ 0 ]) && parseInt(versionSplit[ 1 ]) <= parseInt(checkV[ 1 ]) && parseInt(versionSplit[ 2 ]) < parseInt(checkV[ 2 ]));
if (config_authorized_update && (major_version_update || minor_version_update || patch_version_update)) {
console.log(" > Update found: " + gitResData.tag_name,;
//if (updateFoundCallback) updateFoundCallback();
// server.close();
if (downloadInstallUpdate) downloadLatestUpdate(gitResData);
else if (callback) callback();
} else {
console.log(" > No updates found");
if (callback) callback();
.catch(err => {
console.error(" > Couldn't check for updates. Proceding startup", err);
if (callback) callback();
downloadLatestUpdate(gitResData) {
// const url = gitResData.zipball_url;
const url = gitResData.zipball_url;
console.log(" > Downloading update: " + gitResData.tag_name,, url);
const dwnDir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'tmp_update');//, '')
const dwnFullPath = path.resolve(dwnDir, '')
if (!fs.existsSync(dwnDir)) fs.mkdirSync(dwnDir);
const writer = fs.createWriteStream(dwnFullPath)
method: "get",
url: url,
responseType: "stream"
}).then((response) => {;
writer.on('finish', (res) => {
setTimeout(() => {
installLatestUpdate(dwnDir, dwnFullPath, gitResData);
}, 1000)
writer.on('error', (err) => {
installLatestUpdate(dwnDir, dwnFullPath, gitResData) {
const zip = new StreamZip({
file: dwnFullPath,
storeEntries: true,
skipEntryNameValidation: true
zip.on('ready', () => {
fs.remove(__dirname + "/dist", () => {
zip.extract("release/", __dirname, (err, res) => {
zip.close();'npm install');
console.log(" > Extracted", res, "files");
fs.remove(dwnDir, () => {
console.log(`${dwnDir} folder deleted`);
const restartTimeout = 5000;
console.log(" > Restart in", restartTimeout / 1000, "seconds");
setSeedingMode(isNewGameEvent = false) {
// setTimeout(()=>{this.msgDirect('76561198419229279',"MV\ntest\ntest")},1000)
// this.msgBroadcast("[MapVote] Seeding mode active")
@ -435,6 +361,7 @@ export default class MapVote extends DiscordBasePlugin {
if (this.currentWinners.find(e => e == this.nominations[ 0 ]) && this.currentWinners.length == 1) {
this.newVoteTimeout = null;
this.broadcast("The previous Map Vote has been canceled and a new one has been generated!")
this.beginVoting(true, this.newVoteOptions.steamid, this.newVoteOptions.cmdLayers)
}, 2 * 60 * 1000)
@ -498,13 +425,21 @@ export default class MapVote extends DiscordBasePlugin {
this.factionStrings = [];
let rnd_layers = [];
// let rnd_layers = [];
const sanitizedLayers = Layers.layers.filter((l) => l.layerid);
const sanitizedLayers = Layers.layers.filter((l) => l.layerid &&;
const maxOptions = this.options.showRerollOption ? 5 : 6;
if (!cmdLayers || cmdLayers.length == 0) {
const recentlyPlayedMaps = this.objArrToValArr(this.server.layerHistory.splice(0, this.options.numberRecentMapsToExlude), "layer", "map", "name");
this.verbose(1, "Recently played maps: " + recentlyPlayedMaps.join(', '))
const all_layers = sanitizedLayers.filter((l) => l.layerid && && this.options.gamemodeWhitelist.includes(l.gamemode.toUpperCase()) && (![ this.server.currentLayer ? : null, ...recentlyPlayedMaps ].includes( && !this.options.layerLevelBlacklist.find((fl) => l.layerid.toLowerCase().startsWith(fl.toLowerCase())));
for (let i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
const all_layers = sanitizedLayers.filter((l) =>
this.options.gamemodeWhitelist.includes(l.gamemode.toUpperCase()) &&
![ this.server.currentLayer ? : null, ...recentlyPlayedMaps ].includes( &&
(this.options.layerFilteringMode.toLowerCase() == "blacklist" && !this.options.layerLevelBlacklist.find((fl) => l.layerid.toLowerCase().startsWith(fl.toLowerCase()))) ||
(this.options.layerFilteringMode.toLowerCase() == "whitelist" && this.options.layerLevelWhitelist.find((fl) => l.layerid.toLowerCase().startsWith(fl.toLowerCase())))
for (let i = 1; i <= maxOptions; i++) {
let l, maxtries = 10;
do l = randomElement(all_layers); while (rnd_layers.find(lf => lf.layerid == l.layerid) && --maxtries == 0)
if (maxtries > 0) {
@ -514,9 +449,8 @@ export default class MapVote extends DiscordBasePlugin {
this.factionStrings[ i ] = getTranslation(l.teams[ 0 ]) + "-" + getTranslation(l.teams[ 1 ]);
if (!bypassRaasFilter && rnd_layers.filter((l) => l.gamemode === 'RAAS' && this.options.gamemodeWhitelist.includes("RAAS")).length < 3) this.populateNominations();
if (!bypassRaasFilter && this.options.gamemodeWhitelist.includes("RAAS") && rnd_layers.filter((l) => l.gamemode === 'RAAS').length < Math.floor(maxOptions / 2)) this.populateNominations();
} else {
const maxOptions = this.options.showRerollOption ? 5 : 6;
let singleGamemodeVote = false;
if (cmdLayers.length == 1 && cmdLayers[ 0 ].split('_')[ 0 ] == "*") {
singleGamemodeVote = true;