# `Z.nvim` A simple wrapper around the `z` shell program. Confirmed to work with the following implementations: - [`z.lua`](https://github.com/skywind3000/z.lua) Open an issue/PR if a `z` implementation works/doesn't work 🙂. ## Installation/Setup - [lazy.nvim](https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim): ```lua { "PriceHiller/z.nvim", config = true, cmd = { "Z" } } ``` ## Configuration The default configuration is provided below: ```lua require("z").setup({ z_cmd = "z", use_dir_changed = true }) ``` ## Usage `z.nvim` provides a single user command: `Z`. Type `Z` and a commonly visited directory to change the current directory to it. Just like using `z` in the command line.