2022-04-05 05:21:34 -05:00

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The Formal Elements of Art

  • Line
    • A path of action left by a moving point
  • Color
  • Space
  • Shape
  • Light
  • Texture
  • Time
  • Motion


  • A path of action left by a moving point


Indicates the shape of a two- or three-dimensional form and emphasize its flatness, as seen in Yoshitomo Nara's Dead Flower


  • Forms the edge of a three-dimensional shape and suggest volume, recession, or projection in space

Implied Line

  • Lines that are not there, but our perception creates them

Qualities of Line

  • Lines vary, a line drawn by a pen will be distinct from a line drawn by charcoal


  • Vincent van Gogh uses expressive line in his works of art, flowing lines
  • Analytical/Classical line are precise & measured, hard edges
  • When you have a diagonal line they are most likely going to be expressive lines



Shape is a two-dimensional area with identifiable boundaries

Distortions of Space and Foreshortening

  • Photographs and media with perspective depict space as "real" because it is a monocular, or one-eyed, point of view.

  • The stereoscope was invented in the nineteenth century to imitate binocular vision.

    • The close up, the difference is more discernible
  • Foreshortening is the adjusting of dimensions of closer extremities to make up for the distortion created by the point of view -- the illusion of space on a two-dimensional area


  • A mass is a solid that occupies three-dimensional volume

Figure Ground Relation

MC Esher employed a ton of Figure Ground Relation

Linear Perspective

  • One-point linear perspective relies on a single point, or vanishing point, on the viewer's horizon to represent parallel receding lines.

  • When the vanishing point is directly across from the vantage point (where viewer is positioned), the recession is frontal: if it is to one side or another, it is diagonal

  • Linear Perspective was perfected during the Renascence, primarily by Massacio


Atmospheric Perspective

  • Shows space with light


  • Chiaroscuro refers to the balance of light and shade in a work, most often exhibited when the artist transitions from light to dark around a curved surface.
  • Using chiaroscuro on a curved surface is called modeling

Baroque Light (Tenerism)

  • Baroque Light (Tenerism) is the dramatic use of light

Hatching & Cross-Hatching

  • Hatching is an area of closely spaced parallel lines to create value
  • Cross-hatching is where on set of hatches is crossed at an angle by one or more sets of hatches, creating a darker area of lines



  • Newton states that white light consists of all colors in the spectrum
  • Colors of bluer hues are colder while colors that are redder are warmer


Means tactile -- what we feel

Visual Texture

Texture that we can see