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Chapter 1 - Discovering a World of Art

Table of Contents


The World as We Perceive It

What is the difference between passive and active seeing?

The Process of Seeing

  • Seeing is an inherently creative process
    • Trompe-l'oeil murals are a perfect example of this (making space out of something flat)
  • What we perceive is dictated by our complex perceptions of the world
  • Just taking it in, no further examination

Active Seeing

  • We can understand our filters (prejudices) and learn to look more closely beyond them
  • Everything seen is colored by our perceptions of the world and our history with it
  • Properly perceiving and understanding the meaning of a work

The World as Artists See It

What is the creative process and what roles do artists most assume when they engage in that process?

The Creative Process

  • All artists have shared fundamental desire to create
  • In order to create artists engage in critical thinking
    • Creative process is an exercise in critical thinking

Art and the Idea of Beauty

  • For many, the purpose of art is to satisfy aesthetic senses
  • In western culture beauty is associated with order, regularity, right proportion, and design
    • Hallmarks of the Greek Golden Age
  • Work of art itself may not be beautiful, but the higher level of awareness given to the viewer may be thought of as a form of beauty

Roles of the Artist

  • Most artists think of themselves as assuming one (or a combination) of four fundamental roles
    1. They create a visual record of their time and place
    2. They help us to see the world in new and innovative ways
    3. They make functional objects and structures more pleasurable by imbuing them with beauty and meaning
    4. They give form to immaterial ideas and feelings

1.) Artists Make a Visual Record of the People, Places, and Events of Their Time and Place

  • Sometimes artists only want to record accurately what they have seen/are seeing
    • Art of portraiture is a direct reflection of this desire

2.) Artists Help Us to See the World In New Or Innovative Ways

  • Literally, help us take a new understanding to an object
    • For instance, hang trees

3.) Artists Make Functional Objects and Structures (Buildings) More Pleasurable and Elevate Them Or Imbue Them With Meaning

  • For instance a coffin with a sculpture of a film projector upon it
    • Demonstrates the person the coffin is for loved films or was in some way connected to films
  • We want our spaces to be more appealing
  • Green Architecture is an example of this

4.) Artists Give Form To The Immaterial -- Hidden Or Universal Truths, Spiritual Forces, Personal Feelings

  • Minkisi are small statues in Central Africa that have power from the dead/spirits and some speakers can harness power through them
  • Aminism is the belief that inanimate objects posses souls
  • Most religious artworks

Seeing the Value in Art

How does the public come to value art -- or not?

Artistic Value and the "Culture Wars"

  • Value of art is not all about money
  • Art has intrinsic value
  • A minor had her genitals presented as art, was fought in court as whether or not it was "Criminally Obscene"
  • Basically, how much can art toe the line with what is culturally acceptable and what defines art as valuable is tied to how that art presents itself (e.g. not just a straight picture but has some form or substance)

The Avant-Garde and Public Opinion

  • Avant-Garde works are usually viewed with reservation as it typically has little context for which to view it
    • Hard to appreciate what is not understood

Political Visions

  • If art appears to be promoting a specific political or social agenda then there are bound to be parts of the public that disagree with its point of view
  • That political vision of an art piece can shift with time as the public's understanding changes

Key Points

Differentiate Between Passive and Active Seeing

  • Everything we see is filtered through our understandings and prejudices
  • Through art we can see past our own filters or at least understand our filters
  • Art allows us to look more closely at the world

Define the Creative Process and Describe the Roles That Artists Most Often Assume When They Engage In That Process

  • Artists share desire to create, but their response is divergent
  • Artists must be an explorer and inventory
  • Artists think of themselves as assuming one of four roles
    • Record specific times places visually
    • Imbue objects with beauty and meaning
    • Give form to feelings and ideas
    • Help us see the world in new and innovative ways

Discuss the Different Ways In Which People Value, or Do Not value, Works of Art

  • Monetary value of a work of art is determined by the art market
    • Often established by auction houses
  • Art has intrisic value
  • Public usually receives innovative artwork with reservation
    • Has little context to understand and appreciate the art by