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avents File Structuring for modularity 2021-09-28 02:50:02 -05:00
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Author: Price Hiller
    - Jacob B. Sanders
Description: A python library for emitting and reading events asynchronously.
Type: Library
License: BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright: 2021, Price Hiller

Async Events

A(n) OOP asynchronous Python library capable of emitting custom events based on string matching.


From pip

python3 -m pip install avents

Installation from Source

python[3] setup.py install


Basic Usage

Using the listen decorator you can define a function to listen for an event like so and attach a parser for the events:

from avents import listen # the listener that matches for a string via `listen("some string")`
from avents import Event # an event object defining a name of the event and the event content
from avents import parse # the parser required to emit events via `await parse(Event("some event", "event content")

# The listener
@listen("event", "another event") # A listener can listen to multiple events
async def example_event_function(event: Event):
    print(f"Received event: \"{event.name}\", with content: \"{event.content}\"")

# The parser
async def parser():
    # The actual parsing of an event below
    await parse(Event(name="event", content="example event content"))
    await parse(Event(name="another event", content="another event for the same handler"))

A full, runnable, example:

import asyncio # Required to run the application

# avents imports
from avents import listen # the listener that matches for a string via `listen("some string")`
from avents import Event # an event object defining a name of the event and the event content
from avents import parse # the parser required to emit events via `await parse(Event("some event", "event content")

# The listener
async def your_event(event: Event):
    print(f"Received event: \"{event.name}\", with content: \"{event.content}\"")

async def main():
    # The actual parsing of an event below
    await parse(Event(name="event", content="this is some event content"))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Advanced Usage

Event Types

Instead of using raw strings in the listen decorator, for larger projects it may become much more practical to use a class container of events to listen for.

Avents provides a base event type class to inherit from, that being BaseEventType which is an enum object; this class provides some useful metaprogramming which can make checking if an item exists within a given enum easier as well as defining the two fields required for events: name and content.

To define event type enums inherit from the said base class:

from avents import BaseEventType

class CustomEventType(BaseEventType):
    SOME_EVENT: str = "an event"

This can then be used in conjunction with the listen decorator to maintain consistency throughout a larger project like so:

from avents import BaseEventType
from avents import listen
from avents import Event

class CustomEventType(BaseEventType):
    SOME_EVENT: str = "an event"

    async def some_event(event: Event):

Custom Event Listeners

In the scenario in which you may want to parse a base event and then pass it to further sub event parsing creating a custom event listener can save quite the headache.

In a basic use case we only used the EventListener as provided to us by avents which is exposed by listen and parse in more simplistic use cases.

With the custom listener inheriting the base EventListener exposes custom listening:

from avents import EventListener

class CustomEventListener(EventListener):

Or you can include a constructor as well:

from avents import EventListener

class CustomEventListener(EventListener):

    def __init__(self):

Once a custom event listener has been created the listen and parse methods are immediately available:

from avents import EventListener
from avents import Event

class CustomEventListener(EventListener):

async def example_event_emitter():
    for i in range(2):
        await CustomEventListener.parse(Event(name=str(i), content=i))

@CustomEventListener.listen("0", "1", "2") # Listen() can take multiple events to listen for
async def listen_for_one(event: Event):

It can be extended further by incorporating the EventListener class as the base event handler in the following pattern:

from avents import EventListener
from avents import Event

class CustomEventListener(EventListener):

async def example_event_emitter():
    for i in range(2):
        await EventListener.parse(Event(name=str(i), content=i))

async def base_event_handler(event: Event):
    await CustomEventListener.parse(
            name=event.content + 1, 
            content="We incremented to generate a design pattern"

async def listen_for_one(event: Event):

Notice that we use the base EventListener for the initial parsing of an emitted event by example_event_emitter which will then be passed to the base_event_handler when an event of name 0 is emitted which then does subparsing for the CustomEventListener class.

This can be extended to create entire command structures or other such hierarchical structures.